Kahan Giver Vocab

By ekahan
  • Recollection

    Definition: A memory; something remembered or recalled Sentence: She had a recollection of what happened on this very date last year... Synonym: Reminiscence
  • Profound

    Definition: Intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge Sentence: The college professor had a profound behavior when teaching his class. Synonym: Intelligent
  • Prestige

    Definition: Status or influence; importance based on reputation Sentence: He felt prestigious after he won an olympic medal. Synonym: Importance
  • Sheepish

    Definition: shy; bashful Sentence: She sheepishly looked at the stranger saying hello. Synonym: timid
  • Serenely

    Definition: Peacefully and calmly Sentence: They serenely say down on the rock and watched the river. Synonym: Patiently
  • Avert

    Definition: Turn away Sentence: She averted at the sight of the brussel sprouts. Synonym: avoid
  • Hasty

    Definition: Hurried and rushed Sentence: She hastily grabbed her groceries and rushed to her car. Synonym: Abrupt
  • Indolence

    Definition: Laziness Sentence: She felt indolence as she plopped onto the couch with ease. Synonym: Procratination
  • Unnerving

    Definition: Unsettling and upsetting Sentence: The thought of her moving away was unnerving, she couldn't stand it. Synonym: Bewildered
  • Requisitioned

    Definition: To demand or take Sentence: My dog decided to eat my shoe, so I relinquished him to leave, even though I knew he couldn't understand me. Synonym: Ordered
  • Conspicuous

    Definition: Noticeable; easy to see Sentence: She was conspicuous behind the sheer curtain. Synonym: distinct
  • Self-consciously

    Definition: Uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed Sentence: They self-consciously walked out from behind the wall with their new haircuts. Synonym: discomfort
  • Tentatively

    Definition: Uncertainly and hesitantly Sentence: He tentatively showed his parents his failing grade. Synonym: conditionally
  • Torrent

    Definition: Swift-flowing stream of something Sentence: The silk scarf was torrent in the wind. Synonym: Cascade
  • Obsolete

    Definition: No longer useful Sentence: The typewriter is obsolete in 2020 Synonym: Archaic
  • Unwieldy

    Definition: Unwieldy difficult to carry or handle Sentence: The table was so heavy it is considered to be unwieldy Synonym: Hefty
  • Wincing

    Definition: Shrinking back involuntarily Sentence: She was wincing after being bullied by her enemy Synonym: Flinch
  • Admonition

    Definition: Warning Sentence: There was a tornado admonition playing on the news, so we ran down into the basement. Synonym: Advice
  • Fretful

    Definition: Uneasy or distressed Sentence: They were fretful after they realized their father had passed away Synonym: Uneasy
  • Relinquished

    Definition: Gave up or let go Sentence: She relinquished her favorite toy, and let her mother sew the hole she had created. Synonym: Abandon