Jimmy Carter

  • Period: to

    Jimmy Carter's Presidency

  • Takes office

    Takes office
    He beat Gerald Ford in a narrow victory in 1976
  • Department of Energy

    Department of Energy
    This helped the US to look for petroleum and produce it more domestically.
  • Panama Canal Treaty

    Panama Canal Treaty
    The Panama Canal was owned by the USA since 1914 and conflicted with Panama. Carter and Panama's leader agreed that Panama would take over the canal by 1999 resolving the conflict between the two countries.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    This was Carter's greatest foreign policy achievement since he made a peace settlement between Egypt whose leader was Anwar el-Sadat who refused to recognize Israel whose leader was Menachem and who kept occupying Egyptian territory. Carter made a peace settlement between the two countries called the Camp David Accords. The Accords made Egypt withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula and Egypt was the first Arab country to recognize Israel.
  • National Energy Act

    National Energy Act
    To combat the energy crisis Carter passed this act which placed higher taxes on inefficient cars, made new utilities in order to use other non-petroleum fuel sources, deregulated oil prices, provided tax credits for homeowners trying to make their home more energy efficient, funded research for alternative fuel sources, and focused more on nuclear energy.
  • Salt II Treaty

    Salt II Treaty
    Carter negotiated the Salt II Treaty with Leonid Brezhnev, the leader of the Soviet Union to limit nuclear arms between the US and the USSR but wasn't ratified by the Senate. This would have relaxed tensions between the US and USSR in terms of nuclear arms and made better relations with them.
  • Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act

    Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act
    The act gave protection to over 100 million acres of land and doubled the size of the nation's park and wildlife refuge system.