Jimmy Carter

  • Period: to

    Humans Rights advocacy

    carters administration didn't follow in footsteps of the previous ones and they stressed human rights and advocated for them
  • Jimmy Carter becomes inaugurated as the 39th president of the United States

    Jimmy Carter becomes inaugurated as the 39th president of the United States
    January 20th 1977 is when Carter was inaugurated Into office after long campaign
  • Jimmy Carter Proposes Comprehensive National Energy Policy

    Jimmy Carter Proposes Comprehensive National Energy Policy
    President Carter Made a plan that included more than 100 recommendations to improve enviromental struggles to congress
  • Jimmy Carter signs the Panama Canal Treaty

    Jimmy Carter signs the Panama Canal Treaty
    This agreement relinquishes American control over the canal by the year 2000 and guarantees its neutrality.
  • Jimmy Carter Signs Camp David Accords

    Jimmy Carter Signs Camp David Accords
    created a framework for peace between Israel and egypt.
  • SALT 2

    SALT 2
    this treaty prevented spread of nuclear arms to other countries it was signed by the USA and USSR even thought it never passed senate
  • Education Reform

    Education Reform
    President carter signed the department of education organization control this emphasized the importance of education.
  • Environmentalm Conservation

    Environmentalm Conservation
    Various conservation effort were made by carter under his presidency to conserve wild life in places such as Alaska