
Jean-Baptiste Denis

  • Period: to

    Jean-Baptiste Denis Life Span

  • Jean-Baptiste Denis was born

    Jean-Baptiste Denis was born
    Jean-Baptiste Denis was born in the year 1640 but nobody knows the exact date.
  • Harvard

    On September 23, 1642, Harvard College had it's first commencement.
  • Modulation

    1650 was the beginning of modern harmony. It was the development of modulation in music. Modulation in music is when there is sharps, flats, and naturals.
  • Peru

    On March 31, 1651, there was a massive earthquake in Cuzco, Peru.
  • Public Lectures

    Public Lectures
    In 1664 Jean-Baptiste denis started giving public lectures in his home to anyone who came. His lectures were about physics, mathematics, and medicine. People saw that he was a scientist, but they didn't think he was all that great.
  • France declared War

    France declared War
    On January 26, 1666, France declared war on London.
  • Ending of war between Russia and Poland

    Ending of war between Russia and Poland
    During the year 1667, the Truce of Andrusivi was signed and it had ended the 13 year was between Russian and Poland.
  • First Transfusion!

    First Transfusion!
    This was the day that Jean experimented transfusing blood from a lamb into a 15 year old boy who was ill from Fever. Jean thought that blood from different species were healthier because animals were not prone to "irregularity in eating and drinking".
  • Second Transfusion!

    Second Transfusion!
    Denis's second transfusion was only a couple of days after his first one. He transfused blood from a calf into a healthy 45 year old wealthy man. This transfusion went well, and the man went with his friends after the transfusion; as if nothing had happened.
  • Third Transfusion!

    Third Transfusion!
    Jean's third blood transfuion was on a young Swedish man named Baron Bonde. Baron had gotten sick while touring Europe and was in such a bad state that his doctors abandoned him. He asked Denis to attempt a transfusion because he was so desperate to live. Denis agreed, then transfused blood from a calf. This transfusion made Aaron feel better and he was able to speak, but it only lasted a few days. Denis tried another transfusion but Baron Bonde died during it.
  • Fourth and Final Transfusion

    Fourth and Final Transfusion
    Sometime in December of 1667, Jean-Baptiste did his final transfusions on a male named Antoine Mauroy. Antoine did not personally ask Denis to do the transfusions, his wife did. His wife thought that if he were to be transfused, he could stop his unhealthy lifestyle. After the first transfusion, he still continued with his unhealthy lifestyle. Then his wife asked Denis to do another, which he had then continued back with his lifestyle. After that, he got one more which he died the night after.
  • Denis charged with murder

    Denis charged with murder
    Denis was charged with murder after Antoine Mauroy died. But later found out it was because Mauroys wife poisoned him.
  • Roman Catholic emporer Leopold I

    Roman Catholic emporer Leopold I
    The Roman Catholic emporer Leopald I chased the Jews out of Vienna. This was the first act of prejudicey towards the Jewish faith,
  • Denis invited to England

    Denis invited to England
    At some point in 1667 Jean-Baptiste Denis was invited to England by Charles II because charlesd wanted to learn about human tranfusions and other things Denis discovered. Denis went to England and successfully treatede the French embassador and several members of the court. Soon Denis wasn't satisfied anymore, so he returned to Paris to continue his interest in math and science.
  • Period: to

    Denis was studying mathematics and science

  • United States Newpaper

    United States Newpaper
    On April 24, 1704, the first United States newspaper was published. It was published in Boston, Massachusetts and was called the "Boston News-Letter".
  • Jean-Baptiste Denis dies

    Jean-Baptiste Denis dies
    On October the third of 1704, Jean-Baptiste Denis died suddenly. Nobody knows why he died, but some scientists say it was cause he had a fever.