Japan Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1185

    Japanese Feudalism

    Japanese Feudalism lasted from 1185 to 1868. The era was dominated by powerful families and military war lords. There was an emporer throughout the era but merchants did not have a lot of power. This era was divided into periods after reigning families.
  • Tokugawa Shogunate

    This went from 1603 to 1867. This was a feudal regime of Japan that was established Tokugawa Ieyasu. It was ruled by the shogans of the Tokugawa family. This time was also considered the Edo period because of its capital Edo which is now called Tokyo. The name was changed in 1868.
  • Commador Matthew Perry

    He lived from 1794 to 1858. He was the Commador of the US Navy and served in several wars including the Mexican-American War and the War of 1812. He played a leading role in the opening of Japan to the West with the Convention of Kanagawa in 1854.He was interested in the education of the naval officers and created an apprentice program that established the curriculum of the United States Naval Academy.
  • Meiji Restoration

    This took place in 1868. It was a chain of events that returned imperial rule to Japan. It caused large changes in the Japanese political and social structure. It spanned from the Edo Period to the early Meiji Period.
  • Japanese Territorial Expansion

    This took place from 1875 to 1930. Japan desired to gain more territory and it led them to challenge the presence of United States and Great Britain in East Asia. The military attacked Australia in 1942.
  • The Great Depression

    This took place from 1929 to 1931. Japan's economy shrank about 8% during this time. The currency was devulated and this had a large and immediate effect. The Great Depression did not have a huge effect on Japan.
  • Hiroshima

    This is the capital of Hiroshima Prefecture. It is the first city in history to be destroyed by nuclear weapon when the US Army Air Forces in 1945, towards the end of World War II.
  • Economic Miracle

    This economic miracle was the result of post World War II, Japan and West Germany benefiting from the Cold War. It happened because of the aid and assistance of the United States, but mainly due to the economic interventionism of the Japanese government. During the Cold War, post World War II Japan was settled as a fort to prevent the Soviet influence, the stabilized government and stabilized economy which were protected by the government of the United States.
  • Post War Reforms

    Japanese leades and Occupation authorities worked together to carry out land reform. It is one of the most successful of the Occupation-era reforms and is the model for land reform in other countries.
  • Tsunami 2011

    An earthquake on the Pacific Coast that was a magnitude of 9.0. This caused a large Tsunami to crash a nuclear powerplant in Japan. They were level 7 meltdowns at three reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant complex, and the associated evacuation zones affecting hundreds of thousands of residents.[