
Jamestown Settlement

  • Sailing to Jamestown

    Sailing to Jamestown
    144 men sailed to Jamestown to establish a colony, find gold, and find a water passage to the Pacific Ocean for King James and the Virginia Company. There were three ships, the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery.
  • Landing in Virginia

    Landing in Virginia
    After 4 months, they landed in Cape Henry, Virginia. They didn't want to stay because they thought there would be a Spanish invasion.
  • Settling in Jamestown

    Settling in Jamestown
    They traveled up the Chesapeake Bay and found a spot that they called, Jamestown in honor of King James. During the months, it had started to get rough because the land was swampy and not good for farming.
  • John Smith looks for Northwest Passage

    John Smith looks for Northwest Passage
    John and 8 other men went up the Chickahominy River to find a shortcut to the Pacific Ocean. It ended up they never did find one.
  • John Smith captured by the Powhatan

    John Smith captured by the Powhatan
    John Smith was captured by the Powhatan and was sentenced to die but Pocahontas (Powhatan's daughter) begged her father to spare John's life. Powhatan let him go.
  • Life in Jamestown

    Life in Jamestown
    More than half the people in Jamestown died of sickness. There was also trouble between the colonists and the Indians.
  • John Smith becomes president of the colony

    John Smith becomes president of the colony
    John Smith is now the president of the colony. He was the most successful leader the colony has had. He said a rule, "He that will not work shall not eat."
  • John Rolfe

    John Rolfe
    He brought tobacco plants from the West Indies and the colonists grew them as cash crop. John Rolfe married Pocahontas.
  • First Africans brought to Jamestown

    First Africans brought to Jamestown
    More and more Africans were brought to the colony. They helped plant crops which helped Virginia to grow.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The Virginia Company thinks that the colonists should have the same rights as people living in England. So colonists decided to make a legislature. Only men who owned property could become members and vote.
  • Virginia becomes a royal colony

    Virginia becomes a royal colony
    King James I made the Virginia colony a royal colony because the Powhatan were fighting them. The king owned the colony and he picked a governor to run it.