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Jacob Three Event Timeline

  • Applying Fishing Knowledge

    Applying Fishing Knowledge
    Jacob decided to take knowledge of fishing and apply it solo. Jacob caught a twenty-six inch trout and problem solved riding his bike back home with a fish. In Erikson's 4th stage: Industry verses Inferiority, industry proves that the child is able to problem solve whereas inferiority is discouragement from the development of skills.
  • Becoming A Musician

    Becoming A Musician
    During Jacob's freshman year of high school, he was inspired by a band called The Pillows and his fellow peers in school to take up learning, mastering playing guitar to become a musician. In Erikson's 5th stages, Adolescence, Identity is commitment to an identity and Role confusion encompasses no commitment to a particular identity to self.
  • Finding of a Partner

    Finding of a Partner
    Jacob decided to spend life living with his partner, Lily, in a committed relationship which blended friendships, families, and activities from both sides. In Erikson's 6th stage of young adults, intimacy shows the ability to open up to romantic and personal relationships whereas isolation discovers depression and the inability to make/have close relationships.