Introduction to Vietnam War

By Donny33
  • Ho Chi Minh is born

    Ho Chi Minh is born
    Ho Chi Minh led the independence movement in Northern Vietnam form 1941 onward. He established the Communist-ruled Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945 and defeated the French in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu.
  • Vietnam declares independence from France,but neither France nor the United States recognizes Vietnam as a separate nation

    Vietnam declares independence from France,but neither France nor the United States recognizes Vietnam as a separate nation
    The North went on to defeat the French to end French rule in Indochina. The Vietnamese were supposed to become one unified Vietnam once again, but the US interfered and did not allow for it to do so.
  • President Eisenhower declares "Domino Theory"

    President Eisenhower declares "Domino Theory"
    If Vietnam falls to communism rule, then all more countries will fall to communism as well. This is not good concluding that the US hates communism and is a Republic.
  • The Geneva Accords cause Vietnam to be split into North and South

    The Geneva Accords cause Vietnam to be split into North and South
    Vietnam was split at the 17th parallel so that then a North and a South Vietnam was created.
  • The Viet Minh and Ho Chi Minh defeat the french at DIen Bien Phu

    The Viet Minh and Ho Chi Minh defeat the french at DIen Bien Phu
    The US stepped in to make sure the French would stay out of Vietnam, as well as the US helped create the Geneva Accords and split Vietnam into North and South Vietnam.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem cancels elections in Vietnam

    Ngo Dinh Diem cancels elections in Vietnam
    Ngo Dinh Diem canceled elections cause he knew that Vietnam would be reunified once again. The elections were to reunify North and South Vietnam, but he didn't want to do that because then he would lose rule.
  • The National Liberation Front is formed

    The National Liberation Front is formed
    They were also known as the Viet Cong. They were in South Vietnam and were political rebels that wanted communist rule by the North.
  • A south Vietnamese monk sets himself on fire

    A south Vietnamese monk sets himself on fire
    The monk practiced Buddhism. He did the demonstration to show everyone how bad things have gotten and that they need help.
  • The United States withdraws support of Ngo Dinh Diem, leader of South Vietnam

    The United States withdraws support of Ngo Dinh Diem, leader of South Vietnam
    Diem was then later assassinated by a group of Southern Vietnamese soldiers.
  • President Kennedy is assassinated, leading to the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson

    President Kennedy is assassinated, leading to the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson
    JFK would have tried his best to take the Americans out of this mayhem, instead he was assassinated and two leaders bak to back made some very poor decisions.
  • President Johnson claims a U.S. ship had been fired upon by the North Vietnamese

    President Johnson claims a U.S. ship had been fired upon by the North Vietnamese
    The USS Maddox was attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin. LBJ then receives the power form congress to make any military decisions he wants in the southern part of Asia.
  • The first combat troops arrive in Vietnam

    The first combat troops arrive in Vietnam
    The Us began to send military advisors to Vietnam in September of 1950.