Interwar period

Timeline Of The Interwar Period

  • Period: to

    Timeline Of The Interwar Period

    The Interwar Period was a time in between World War One, and World War Two. This timeline will explain the major events that took place after the First World War, and what led to the Second World War.
  • The Weimar Republic Is Established In Germany

    The Weimar Republic Is Established In Germany
    The Weimar Republic was the democratic government in Germany from 1919 to 1933. The Weimar Republic often introduced drastic social changes which caused economic, and political crisis. The Republic was also known for a lot of violence. This government was easily replaced by the Nazi Government.
  • The Treaty Of Versailles Is Signed

    The Treaty Of Versailles Is Signed
    The Treaty Of Versailles is an important peace treaty made after World War One. The Treaty held Germany accountable for beginning World War One, and punished them for their actions. This Treaty allowed Adolf Hitler to take charge of Germany abruptly.
  • The League Of Nation Is Created

    The League Of Nation Is Created
    The League Of Nations is the first international organization of peace. Some of the major powers did not participate in the organization which eventually destroyed it. The organizations was also very ineffective when enforcing, and making decisions. The League Of Nations has been re adopted as the United Nations.
  • French Occupation Of The Ruhr

    French Occupation Of The Ruhr
    The Ruhr was where the Germans kept some of their resources including factories. The Treaty Of Versailles stated that the French, and German armies could not occupy Ruhr. Germany failed to pay some of their war reparation payments which angered the French army. In response France sent some of their troops into Ruhr which greatly offended the German government.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    The Beer Hall Putsch took place on November, 8th 1923 to November, 9th 1923. Adolf Hitler, and his Nazi party were becoming very popular because they believed that they could create their own government in Germany. On November, 9th 1923 Hitler, and the Nazi's tried to bring down the weimar Republic (putsch). Hitler, and many Nazi followers were put in jail which only increased his popularity.
  • The Dawes Plan Is created

    The Dawes Plan Is created
    Germany continued to fail paying their reparation payments. The United States created a plan to send money to Germany to repair their country, and send the rest of the money to France, and Britain. France removed its soldiers from Ruhr after receiving the money. This plan resulted in bankrupting Germany after the Great Depression.
  • Benito Mussolini Becomes Dictator Of Italy

    Benito Mussolini Becomes Dictator Of Italy
    Benito Mussolini gained power over Italy, and became the worlds first fascist leader. Mussolini and his followers got rid of his opposition, and terrorized the king of Italy so he could gain ultimate power. Adolf Hitler was greatly influenced by Benito Mussolini's actions, and was inspired to do the same in Germany.
  • The Locarno Treaties Are Signed

    The Locarno Treaties Are Signed
    The Locarno Treaties were discussed from October, 5th 1925 to October, 15th 1925. The Treaties were formally signed on December 1st 1925 in London. The Locarno Treaties were agreements between Germany, and its allies. These agreements allowed peaceful association between the countries, and for Germany to rebuild after World War One. Germany promised to never go to war again. The Treaties gave Adolf Hitler more power as the allied countries did not interfere with his plans of dictatorship.
  • The Kellogg-Briand Pact Is Signed

    The Kellogg-Briand Pact Is Signed
    The Kellogg-Briand Pact was a general agreement with most of the countries involved in World War One. The countries all agreed that war would not be used to settle disagreements. Eleven years later Adolf Hitler decided to break the Pact and start up World War Two. The allied countries still agreed to the Pact at this point in time.
  • Beginning Of The Great Depression

    Beginning Of The Great Depression
    A stock market crash in the United States triggered an economic crisis throughout the world in 1929. Many people were not able to work, and most economies were failing. This allowed Benito Mussolini, and Adolf Hitler to gain power.
  • Japan Invaded Manchuria

    Japan Invaded Manchuria
    Japan was one of the countries experiencing an economic crisis from the Great Depression. Japan was desperate for resources their country could not produce so their decided to invade a country which could produce those resources. They decided to invade Manchuria for their coal, and iron in China. Their invasion lasted from September, 19th 1931 to February, 27th 1932. This event proved that The League Of Nations was ineffective as they did not stop Japan from invading the sovereign state of China
  • Adolf Hitler Is Appointed Chancellor Of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Is Appointed Chancellor Of Germany
    The German president Hindenburg was desperate, and had to find a solution to their disordered political system. The president appointed Adolf Hitler in hopes that he could fix Germany's government. After Hitler gained power he began arming Germany's military again. Germany was under fascist rule at this point.
  • Italy Invaded Ethiopia

    Italy Invaded Ethiopia
    Benito Mussolini wanted to establish an Italian empire, and to gain more precious resources for Italy. Mussolini decided to invade Ethiopia, and successfully took over. The League of Nations did not help Ethiopia, or even try to stop the Italians. This event is another example of how ineffective the League of Nations was.
  • Germany Reoccupied The Rhineland

    Germany Reoccupied The Rhineland
    The Treaty Of Versailles forbid Germany to go in the Rhineland. Germany rebelled against the treaty and marched their army into the Rhineland. Again the League of Nations did nothing to stop Germany from invading the Rhineland. Adolf Hitler was free to continue his belligerent plan of expansion.
  • Creation Of The Rome-Berlin Axis

    Creation Of The Rome-Berlin Axis
    The Rome-Berlin Axis was an agreement signed between Italy, and Germany. At this time both countries had fascist leaders. Benito Mussolini, and Adolf Hitler had similar views on aggressive expansion. Italy, Germany, and their allied countries became known as the Axis Powers.
  • Creation Of The Anti-Comintern Pact

    Creation Of The Anti-Comintern Pact
    A month after the Rome Berlin Axis was created Germany, and Japan signed an Anti Communist agreement. This allowed both countries to fight against communist countries like the Soviet Union. This united Germany, Japan, and later Italy.
  • Germany’s Anschluss With Austria

    Germany’s Anschluss With Austria
    Anschluss is when German speaking people are united between Germany, and Austria. This was after World War One. The Treaty Of Versailles forbid Germany form become allied with Austria. Adolf Hitler believed that Germany, and Austria should unite because they both contain German speaking peoples. Austria, and the allied nations did not do much to stop Germany from invading Austria.
  • Signing Of The Munich Agreement

    Signing Of The Munich Agreement
    Adolf Hitler wanted to occupy Czechoslovakia. Benito Mussolini, and Adolf Hitler made agreements with Britain, and France. These agreements allowed Hitler to have the German speaking part of Czechoslovakia known as Sudetenland with one condition. Hitler had to stop taking more territory.
  • Germany Occupied Czechoslovakia

    Germany Occupied Czechoslovakia
    After the Munich Agreement was signed Germany invaded all of Czechoslovakia. Germany took over the whole country not just the German speaking Sudetenland. Britain did not respond when this violated the Munich Agreement.
  • Creation Of The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    Creation Of The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
    Adolf Hitler wanted to expand his empire through more of the European countries. In order for Hitler to take control of these countries he had to make a deal with the Soviet Union. Hitler, and Stalin agreed that they would not go to war. This was called the Anti-Aggression Pact. Hitler broke the pact when he seized the Soviet Union in 1941.
  • Germany Invaded Poland

    Germany Invaded Poland
    Germany was busy invading Poland from September 1st, 1939 to October 6th, 1939. After conquering Czechoslovakia Hitler was eager to take over Poland. Adolf Hitler made an agreement with Joseph Stalin after he invaded the country to divide Poland in two. Hitler violated the Munich Agreement by taking rule over Poland. This is evidence that Hitlers Anti Aggression Policy was ineffective.
  • Britain Declared War On Germany

    Britain Declared War On Germany
    Britain realized that its attempts to maintain peace had failed when Germany invaded Poland. Britain felt that they had no choice but to stand their ground. Britain declared war on Germany on September 3rd, 1939. This began the Second World War.