Interwar Years [1919-1939]

  • Paris Peace Conference

    The meeting of the Allied victors in WWI to set peace terms for Germany and other defeated nations, and to deal with the empires of the defeated powers following the Armistice of 1918. It took place in Paris and they had met in an attempt to form a lasting peace throughout the world.
  • League of Nations established

    The League of Nations was established to prevent another War (after 1ºWW
  • Washington Treaties

  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Agreement between Germany and Russia to cancel any pre-war debts.
  • French occupation of Ruhr

    Germany defaulted its reparations to France so the French decided to move in to occupy the Ruhr.
  • Dawes Plan

    Financial aid offered to Germany by the US for assisting in restructuring of reparation payments after WWI by loans.
  • Locarno Treaty

    Agreement defining Germany's western borders with France and Belgium with Britain and Italy as guarantors.
  • Germany becomes part of the League of Nations

  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    renounces agressive war but offended no one or had nay machinery for enforcement. It was an illusion of peach and security.
  • Period: to

    Young Plan

  • Hitler rises to dictatorship

    On March 23, the newly elected Reichstag met in the Kroll Opera House in Berlin to consider passing Hitler's Enabling Act. It was officially called the "Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich." If passed, it would in effect vote democracy out of existence in Germany and establish the legal dictatorship of Adolf Hitler.
  • Ethiopia invaded by Italy

    A border incident between Ethiopia and Italian Somaliland that December gave Benito Mussolini an excuse to intervene. Rejecting all arbitration offers, the Italians invaded Ethiopia on Oct. 3, 1935.
  • Roosevelt Re-Elected

    Franklin D. Roosevelt is reelected for his second term.