Interwar Years

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Germany, Britian, France, and Italy all signed this treaty that ended WWI.
  • Warren becomes President

    Warren becomes President
    Warren Harding takes the office during the 1920s econimic boom in the US.
  • Unemploymens raises

    Unemploymens raises
    The unemployment reaches 2.5 million in Britian.
  • Russian Civil War ends

    Russian Civil War ends
    The russian civil war comes to an end.
  • David Lloyd resigns

    David Lloyd resigns
    David Lloyd resigns from Prime minister of Great Britian.
  • Mussolini

    Mussolini is named an Italian primier.
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    Stalin, the leader of Russia, dies and Stain succeds him.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    Germany works a deal with the US that helps them pay the money they owe from the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Poincare resigns

    Poincare resigns
    Raymond Poincare resigns from French official postition.
  • 5-year plan

    5-year plan
    Stalin enacts the first five year plan to help industrialize Russia.
  • One Party

    One Party
    Italy is officaily declared a one party state.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    The stock market crashes and it leads the US into the great depression.
  • Great Purges

    Great Purges
    Stalin begins the great purges to try and rid russia of any anti-communists
  • Hitler becomes chancellor

    Hitler becomes chancellor
    Hindenurg appoints Hitler the chancellor of Germany.
  • Rosovelt is ellected

    Rosovelt is ellected
    Franklin D. Rosovelt becomes president of the US.
  • "New Deals"

    "New Deals"
    FDR enacts the new deals policy to help the US economy.
  • Hitler becomes Dictator of Germany.

    Hitler becomes Dictator of Germany.
    Hindenburg dies and Hitler becomes Dictator of Germany.
  • Invasion of Ethiopia

    Invasion of Ethiopia
    Italy begins the invasion of ethiopia.
  • End of the war in Ethiopia

    End of the war in Ethiopia
    Italy wins the war they started against ethiopia.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    Nazi party tests their army power by helping th spanish in their Civil war.
  • Rosovelt reelected

    Rosovelt reelected
    FRD is reelected for another term as President of the US.
  • Neville Chamberalin is elected prime minister

    Neville Chamberalin is elected prime minister
    Neville Chamberalin is elected prime minister of england after david lloyd resigns