Internet and Technology Advances

  • Wifi

    WiFi is introduced, allowing a connection to the internet without physical cables.
  • First "smartphone"

    The first smart phone is released, offering a wide range of computing abilities.
  • Playstation

    The benchmark for console gaming, truely the first of its kind
  • Netflix launched

    Netflix launched
    netflix Netflix is launched, allowing the distribution of media long before youtube.
  • Playstation 2

    Playstation 2
    Playstattion 2 is released.
  • First Xbox gaming console

    First Xbox gaming console
    Xbox is realeased, to compete with the Playstattion 2.
  • Nintendo Gamecube

    Nintendo Gamecube
    First Gamecube is released, which boasted better graphics than any of its competitiors.
  • Youtube

    youtube Youtube was introduced, still very popular today.
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    XboxXbox 360 was released, a big step foward in console gaming.
  • Wii gaming console

    Wii gaming console
    Wii is released, truely the first of it's kind and very unique.