Interactive Special Education Timeline

By kdavid
  • Identificagtion/Child Find

    Any one can refer a child whom they think is having difficulties progressing acadenically.
    NH Rules-ED1105
  • Disposition Referal Letter

    With in 15 calender days of recieveing the referal letter parents must be contacted for an evaluation meeting.
    NH Rules-ED1106
  • Evaluation

    Before a child can be tested the pareents must give written consent. Once the parents give written concent the school has 45 calender days to complete all testing.
  • Eligibility

    Once all evaluations are complete the IEP meets to determine eliginility badsed on the evaluation results.
    NH-Rules ED1108
  • develop and Approve IEP

    30 days after eligibilty is determined the IEP team must develope and approve the IEP(which requires the parents signature).
    NH-Rule ED1109
  • Placement

    IEP team meats to determine placement in the least restictive environment(LRE).
  • Impelemntation and Monitoring

    This happens on an ongoing basis, but the IEP team must meat at lkeast one tine a year to review goals and progress. An IEP meating can be called at any time.
    NH-Rule ED 1109.6