Inter Years Period

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treat of Versailles forced Germany to pay for the war, give land to France called Alsace-Lorraine, and Poland called the Polish Corridor, and Upper Silesia. Germany also had to limit its army all the way down to only 100,000 men.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    Resulting from the Paris Peace Conference, the League of Nations was the first worldwide international peace organization. The United States did not join however and, Germany and Russia Were not invited.
  • Fascism in Italy

    Mussolini was WWI veteran takes over as Italy's Prime Minister. Mussolini believed in Fascism and other rulers started to imitate what he was doing across Eastern Europe. Mussolini became a dictator in Italy until 1943.
  • Period: to

    Hopeful Years

    European countries start to get back on track after WWI. Economy's start to rise and people start to get back to work. Dawes and Young plans are passed. Germany gets added to the League of Nations.
  • Stalin in power in Russia

    Stalin in power in Russia
    Stalin becomes the leader of the Soviet Union after Lenin's death. Stalin was able to expand Russia's industry rapidly and put people back to work. Stalin offered free schooling and medical care to citizens. In the late 1920s however Stalin believed that non-Russians were becoming to confident and would overthrow him. Stalin created purges and would have his secret police spy on people. If you were arrested you would be sent to a prison camp which was almost certain death.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    In the late 1920s the American stock market crashed leading to a world wide depression. This had a big affect on countries that relied on the U.S. such as France or Britain. European countries who had fought in WWI such as German, France, Great Britain suffered the most. At the peak 25% of workers were out of a job but if you take out farmers that number rose to 37%.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    In September 1931 the Japanese army attacked Chinese troops in what is called the Manchuria indecent. The Japanese wanted to gain control over the providence to surround East Asia. This turned out to be unsuccessful and was a cause of WWII.
  • Third Reich

    Third Reich
    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany and within a year the Nazi party and Hitler a ruling Germany. Hitler was able to get in this position by promising the German people he would reverse the effects of the Versailles Treaty.
  • Germany Starts to go Alone

    Nine months after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany the Nazi Party withdrew from the League of Nations. Germany withdrew because the Western Nations would not allow them to build up their military.