Information Communication Technologies

  • When was the phone invented

    When was the phone invented
    The very first phone was invented in 1876 by German Konrad Zuse in his parents' living room.
  • When was the first wireless phone invented

    When was the first wireless phone invented
    The first wireless phone was invented in 1965 by a jazz musician named Teri Pall.
  • The first mobile phone

    The first mobile phone
    The very first handheld mobile phone came out in 1973. It was introdused by John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper.
  • Flip Phone

    The very first flip phone came out and it was pretty light.
  • When did the i phone come into play

    When did the i phone come into play
    The very first iPhone was announced by Steve Jobs on January 9, 2007. The first iPhone was then later open to the public on June, 29th 2007.
  • iPhone X

    iPhone X
    The iPhone X was released on November 3, 2017. It is one of the latest iPhones and it has face recognition technology.