Influential Early Childhood Education Theorists

By Moeli00
  • John Amos Comenius-1600

    John Amos Comenius-1600
    Believed education began in the earliest days of childhood and continued through life.
    Philosophy attempted to incorporate religion and philosophy to education.
    Education as a mean to promote social harmony.
    Mothers are the best teachers in the early years.
    Nature is the prime method for children's development.
  • John Locke-1600

    John Locke-1600
    Schools need to promote reason and freedom of thinking.
    Firsthand experiences as meaning of learning.
    Parents are the best educators for the early years.
    Educate children, then instruct their minds to mold natural tendencies.
    Children possess curiosity and liberty, which will guide towards knowledge.
  • Jean Jacques Rousseau-1700

    Jean Jacques Rousseau-1700
    Children are children not small adults.
    Children should learn from nature and should not be forced to learn anything.
    Points out 4 stages in children's development: infancy, childhood, boyhood and adolescences.
    Points out the importance of physical education.
    Recommends the heuristic method, method of discovery.
    Children should never be punished and learn natural consequences of their fault.
    Children should be trained to be self reliant.
  • Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi-1700

    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi-1700
    Education should be equal for everybody; everybody has the ability to learn.
    Humans are good by nature and education will empower them.
    Teaching is a subject worth studying, therefore is the Father of Pedagogy.
    Education should serve children's needs and interests.
    Childcentred approach, instead of teacher-centre.
    Authority versed on love.
    Learning starts with parents.
    Cooperation between school-home and parents-teachers.
    Teacher training.
    Hands-on education of real objects.
  • Robert Owen-1800

    Robert Owen-1800
    Prime vehicle for social reform is education.
    Created the bases for the infant school movement.
    Advocated free and unstructured play in education.
    Endeavored to educate though informal teaching and physical activity.
    Promoted the idea of learning form nature and concrete objects.
    Encouraged education outside of home.
  • Johann Friedrich Herbert-1800

    Johann Friedrich Herbert-1800
    Believed in an structured organization of education.
    History was incorporated as a subject.
    Education begins with reflection and reasoning arise ro clear and distinct.
    Individual development and societal contribution.
    Abilities are not innate but could be instilled though formal education.
    Literature and history are the best way to teach children.
  • Friedrich Froebel-1800

    Friedrich Froebel-1800
    Pioneered the concept of Kindergarten.
    Nature and religion was central to his thinking as an educator.
    Play-based learning environment with direct use of material.
    Teachers observe and guide children's activities.
    Humans are productive and creative.
  • Horace Mann-1800

    Horace Mann-1800
    Responsible for the creation of the American School System, free education will produce better citizens.
    Teacher should be trained.
    Education should include children from all social classes to have common learning experiences.
    School will also build character instilling values such as obedience, promptness, and time management.
    Fostered secular schools with a religiously passive current.
    Often called the father of American Public Education.
  • Elizabeth Palmer Peabody-1800

    Elizabeth Palmer Peabody-1800
    Teaching on hands-on objects.
    Adapted individualized instruction.
    Teaching should be carefully guided to develop fully.
    Teaching though playing.
    Supported Friedrich Froebel educational methods.
  • Herbert Spencer-1800

    Herbert Spencer-1800
    Scientific method to learn the truth.
    Individuals with great intellect replace their inferior counterparts.
    Social Darwinist.
    Believed in private education instead of public education in order to be competitive.
  • Susan Blow-1800

    Susan Blow-1800
    Implemented programs for children and quality training for teachers.
    Supported Froebel's theory.
    Talked to educators to create kindergarten programs in United States of America.
    Her first class was knowns a Kindergarten Experiment and later became the standard for in schools.
    Learning is based on play, understanding of nature and appreciation for art.
    Childhood should be separated from adulthood.
    Learning must seek the interest and need of children.
    Early learning shape entire live.
  • G. Stanley Hall-1900

    G. Stanley Hall-1900
    Darwinist and romantic.
    Emphasized aligning education curriculum with the stages of development.
    Supported the Scientific Method approach.
    Favored an interdisciplinary approach that integrates support to health and education.
    Learning experience must be outdoor, by playing freely.
    Place more emphasis on large motor skills than fine motor skills.
    Advanced studies of Psychology of Adolescence.
  • John Dewey-20th Century

    John Dewey-20th Century
    Focused on pragmatism, interaction, reflection and experience.
    Influenced the hands-on approach to better education.
    Education should emerge from child's needs and interests, Emergent Curriculum.
    Education should be bases on problem solving.
    Educators must be inspiring.
    Goal of education is thinking about community and democracy.
    Believed classroom environment should be a reflex of society.
  • Jane Addams-20th Century

    Jane Addams-20th Century
    Advocate of gender discrimination in education.
    Viewed lifelong education as an essential component of life.
    Strived to improve education by reducing child labor.
    Sponsored numerous programs for adolescents including social, athletics and theatre.
    Pioneered programs for females's sports and fitness.
    Worked on adult education with lectures and clubs.
  • Patty Smith Hill

    Patty Smith Hill
    Leader of the kindergarten movement and advocate of free play in early childhood education.
    Approached Froebel, behaviorism, progressive and child study movement to education.
    Engaged parents unlearning about value of playing, individuality of training based on sensory and motor skills, and causes of children's activities.
    Developed set of blocks to better manipulate in dramatic play, since Freudian blocks were to small.
  • Maria Montessori-20th Century

    Maria Montessori-20th Century
    Argued for the development of training for teachers and developed a principle "first the education of the senses, then the education of the intellect".
    Developed a program that enabled special needs kids to read and write. She taught them skills by developing exercises that prepare them to repeat.
    Emphasized self-determination and self-realization.
    Focused of education is Child-centred.
    Based work on scientific method
  • Arnold Gessel-1900

    Arnold Gessel-1900
    Pioneered the developmental importance of early childhood education and promoted parents-teachers role.
    Emphasized the importance of observing and documenting children's development.
    Believed all children go through the same stages of development but not at the same time.
    Learning is influenced by internal factors such as genetics, and external such as environment, peers, family, culture and health.
    Children's development changes due to equilibrium and disequilibrium.
  • Margaret Bancroft-1900

    Margaret Bancroft-1900
    Pioneer of Special Education.
    Children with disabilities need special education, adapted material and trained teachers.
    Teaching should involve love and patience.
    Children must learn about exercises and nutrition to gain certain degree of independence.
  • Lev Vygotsky-20th Century

    Lev Vygotsky-20th Century
    Believed imaginative play is essential for children's normal development.
    Based his theory of cognitive development on the fact that the external world is transformed and internalized through language. By using language kids organize their thinking.
    Supported that development takes place socially; child-centered place.
    Developed theory "Zone of Proximal Development" which suggests awareness of child's independent abilities and degree of teacher's support.
  • Jean Piaget-20th Century

    Jean Piaget-20th Century
    Based his research on cognitive development. Every experience and interaction establishes cognitive structure in children.
    Nature and nurture influence development.
    Developed the Method of Understanding Children by observing while they work.
    Believed maturation increases capacity to understand the world.
    Based his theory of development centered on structure: sensorimotor, pre operational, concrete and formal operational.