influenced reasons of the constitution

By maxy21
  • Jun 12, 1215

    english magna carta

    english magna carta
    The magna carta was a document that king John was forced into signing.The king was forced into signing the charter so it can reduce his power that he had as the king of england.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The mayflower compact was the agreement singned in 1620 by the Pilgrims in Plymouth,MA, to consult each other about laws for the colony and a promise to work together to make it succeed
  • English bill of Rights

    English bill of Rights
    The english bill of Rights expanded the protection of the rights of English citizens. It served as a model for the American bill of Rights.
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    The Great compromise created two houses of congress. One based on population (house of Representatives), the other gave equal representation to each state (the Senate).
  • Three-fifths Compromise

    Three-fifths Compromise
    Three-fifths compromise was permission granted at the constitutional convention to the southern states that they could count 3 of every 5 slaves in their population to determine representation in congress