Founding fathers

Important U.S.A. Documents

  • The Charter of Virginia company of london

    The Charter of Virginia company of london
    Guarentees English rights to the colonists
  • Virginia Decleration of Rights

    Virginia Decleration of Rights
    Model for The Bill of Rights. Written by George Mason
  • Decleration of Indepence

    Decleration of Indepence
    affirmed certain "unalianable rights" life liberty an the persuit of happieness.writen by thomas jefferson in 1776.
  • Virgina statue of relgious freedom

    Virgina statue of relgious freedom
    The Virginia statue of relgious feedom gave citizens the right to worship or not worship any right that they want to.
  • Articles of Cofederation

    Articles of Cofederation
    The Articles of Confederation are the original structure for the U.S. Government. It fail
  • Constitution

    Thwe Constitution Established te structure of the U.S goverment. It was written by the Continental Congress. It gurintees equality under law with majority rule and rights of the minority protected.