Important Events in Space Exploration

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    Space Exploration History

  • Galileo First to use a Telescope

    Galileo First to use a Telescope
    Galileo did not invent the telescope but he was first to use one. He looked through and was the first to study the celestial objects and record what he seen down. He then became famous because he published books about his observations of Jupiter, the Moon, and the Milky Way. I think this made a huge impact on science today because now we were able to build on that and make things where we could see more than just the Moon, Jupiter, and the Milky Way.
  • Christiaan Huygens

    Christiaan Huygens
    Christiaan Huygens discovers Staurns rings and its moon Titan. I think this led other scientists wanting to find other moons of other planets.
  • Charles Messier

    Charles Messier
    Charles publishes an astronomical catalogue which included Nebulae and star clusters which soon became the 110 Messier Objects. He found these while searching for comets.
  • Goddard launches the first liquid fueled rocket

    Goddard launches the first liquid fueled rocket
    The first flight of this took place of this on March 16, 1926. It only went up about 41 feet and ended in a near cabbage field. It was important, though because they now knew liquid fueled engines were possible...this one just needed some improvments.
  • First Insects in Space

    First Insects in Space
    In the 1940s fuit flies were sent into space in a rocket from White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The experiment was to see the effects the radiation exposure at high altitudes. The fruit flies did return alive.
  • First Artificial Satellite Sputnik 1 was launched

     First Artificial Satellite Sputnik 1 was launched
    58cm diameter metal sphere with four external antennas. This was launched by the Soviet Union (Russia). It was launched and sucessful and the start of the space age.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    First Satellite sent out by the U.S. It was a big moment after the Soviet Union sent out Sputnik. The Satellite was twice the size of a basketball. This was probably important because we could now learn and make corrections and improve and make better Satellites.
  • Valentina Tereshkova

    Valentina Tereshkova
    Valentina was the first woman sent into space, she was selected out of more than 400 applicants and 5 finalists to pilot Vostok 6. She was up in space for a total of 2 days, 23hrs, and 12mins. She was also the first civilian to go into space.
  • First Human on the Moon

    First Human on the Moon
    July 16th NASA launched the Apollo 11 into space with Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins and Buzz Aldrin. They landed July 20th on the moon and Neil and Buzz walked on the moon for hours and did experiments while Mike stayed in the orbit.
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    The second oxygen tank on the Apollo 13 exploded when it was just 200,000 miles off of Earth. This will have lead the scientists to look at the problem and see how it happened and make sure it wont happen again.
  • 1st rover land on the moon

    1st rover land on the moon
    It lasted 11 lunar days and that made it the reecord for over 30 years. The Soviet Union launched it November 10th and it entered the orbit and landed on the moon on November 17th. During its first five days on the moon it drove197 miles and already returned pictures back to earh.
  • Voyager 2

    Voyager 2
    The voyagers were designed to get close to the planets. They were only supposed to last 5 years but were extremely sucessfull and continued longer than that. Voyager 2 actually did flybys of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
  • Space Shuttle Missions

    Space Shuttle Missions
    Through 1981-1986 there was 25 launches. During the 25th launch the space shuttle exploded. The crew of seven was killed. Through this tragic event the scientist could hopefully examine this situation and fix the problems so we could discover new things in space.
  • Venera 13

    Venera 13
    The Venera 13 entered Venus' atmosphere and took pictures. This is good for scientists to see because they now know what possibilities are and can explore other planets without actually being on them.
  • John Glenn

    John Glenn
    John Glenn was 77 years old and traveled into space marking him as the oldest American to travel into outer space.
  • Lunar Prospector

    Lunar Prospector
    The lunar prospector was launched and reached the moon successfully. It was designed to look at the moons resources and structure and answer some questoins the scientists may have. This was good to hear because now they know this kind of thing is possible and they can send something similar somewhere and get more answers.
  • Space Shuttle Endeavor

    Space Shuttle Endeavor
    The shuttle launched and was successful it. It orbited around the Earth and mapped out a detailed map of the planet. This is pretty cool because then the scientists and people can know what the planet they're living on looks like. It could also help scientists with some studies.