Important events during WWI + WWII that effected

By Zaraya
  • Germany was declared a republic

  • Weimer Republic

    A national assembly meets in Weimar to write a new German Constitution
  • Period: to

    Treaty of Versailles

    Germany lost of lot of land and had to pay reparations for the war.
  • Hitler becomes leader of Nazi Party

    This effects the country because Hitler makes many impacts on the Germans and influences
  • Global depression and mass unemployment

  • Germany begins to re-arm

    Nuremberg laws deprive German Jews of their citizenship
  • Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles

    Everyone ignores the fact that he made military conscription, but after awhile they do not.
  • Period: to


    The jewish were much more worse in germany after this, many adult jews were commiting suicicde
  • Germany annexes austria

  • Germany invades Poland

    Starts world war 1
  • First use of gas chambers

    The jewish thought they were showers instead they had gas
  • Japanese Bomb Pearl Harbor

    Hitler issues night and fog decree where people endangering German security they would be either shot or spirited away under cover of the night and fog
  • First bombing raid by Americans on Germany

  • Germany defeated

    Allies divide Germany into occupation zones and hitler kills himself
  • Berlin wall was built