Hungarian kings' struggles against the Turks

  • 1389

    Battle of Kosovo

    Murad I defeated the Serbs
  • 1396

    Battle of Nicapolis

  • 1402

    The crush of the Ottoman Empire

  • 1442

    defense in Transylvania

    Hunyadi János defeated the Turks in Transylvania, which was his first victory as a military leader.
  • Period: 1443 to 1444

    Long Campaign

    The aim of the Long Campaign/Winter Campaign was to liberate the Balkans. The Turks gave up a few territories eventually.
  • 1444

    Battle of Várna

    The king named Ladislo died in this battle, which was the part of another campaign against the Turks-
  • 1448

    Second battle of Kosovo

    Hunyadi lost this battle, and the Turks got back the territories they were taken away before.
  • 1456

    siegre of Belgrade

    Hunyadi broke the Turkish blockade and won this insurrection,which let him secure the southern defense and prevent any other Turkish attacks.
  • 1463

    fight against the Turks

    Mátyás fought against the Turks and lost Szendrő but could secure Bosnia and Jajca