Human rights picture

Human Rights Pasquale Verde 5Dsia

By Pasqus
  • Bill Of Rights

    Bill Of Rights
    The Bill of Rights is an Act of the Parliament of England that deals with constitutional matters and lays out certain basic civil rights. Passed on 16 December 1689, it is a restatement in statutory form of the Declaration of Right presented by the Convention Parliament to William and Mary in February 1689, inviting them to become joint sovereigns of England. The Bill of Rights lays down limits on the powers of the monarch and sets out the rights of Parliament.
  • American Constitution

    American Constitution
    The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America.[1] The Constitution, originally comprising seven articles, delineates the national frame of government. Its first three articles entrench the doctrine of the separation of powers, Articles Four, Five and Six entrench concepts of federalism, describing the rights and responsibilities of state governments and of the states in relationship to the federal government.Article Seven estabilish the procedure to ratify it
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolutionwas a period of far-reaching social and political upheaval in France that lasted from 1789 until 1799, and was partially carried forward by Napoleon during the later expansion of the French Empire. the Revolution profoundly altered the course of modern history, triggering the global decline of absolute monarchies while replacing them with republics and liberal democracies.