Human rights day

Human Rights

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    document that made kings equal to his people
    Magna Carta was written by a group of 13th-century barons, to protect their rights and property against a tyrannical king
  • British Petition of Rights

    British Petition of Rights
    British peoples participated in petitions for their basic human rights
    important document setting out the rights and liberties of the subject as opposed to the prerogatives of the crown
  • America Declares Independence

    America Declares Independence
    America seperates from British Empire
    Declared 'all men created equal'
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    Signed their own declaration of independance and based it on Natural Law. Their flag colours are their belifes, meaning; Life, Liberty and The Right to Pursue what will make one happy.
  • Mahata Gandi

    Mahata Gandi
    Leader of India Protests, insisting everyone had rights
  • World War One

    World War One
    global war centered in Europe
    one of the largest wars in history
  • World War One Ends

    World War One Ends
    after four years or war, comes signed peace treaties nationally
  • World War Two

    World War Two
    most widespread war in history
  • United Nations Established

    United Nations Established
    the aftermath of World War II
    intergovernmental organization, purpose of saving future generations from the devastation of international conflict.
  • World War Two Ends

    World War Two Ends
    altered the political alignment and social structure of the world
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society
    national and international
    declares the rights that everyone in the entire world should have
  • Cyrus the great of Babylon

    Cyrus the great of Babylon
    abolished slavery, gave freedom of religion.
    The reign of Cyrus the Great lasted between 29 and 31 years.
    Influence on both Eastern and Western civilizations.
  • Roman Empire

    Roman Empire
    Created the concept of Natural Law
    natural law is a view that certain rights/values are inherent in universally cognizable by virtue of human reason or human nature,