How they croaked Pocahontas

  • Pocahontas was born circa 1596

    Pocahontas was born circa 1596
    Pocahontas was born into a Native American tribe in Virginia.
  • Pocahontas sees the English colonists for the first time in 1607

    Pocahontas sees the English colonists for the first time in 1607
    Pocahontas and her tribe spot the english colonists for the first time and start thinking about what they should do about them.
  • John smith was captured in 1607

    John smith was captured in 1607
    John smith was an english adventurer that was captured by Pocahontas's tribe.
  • Pocahontas saved John's life in 1608

    Pocahontas wanted peace with John Smith's people and saved his life by begging her father to let him go so that they could have peace.
  • John smith leaves Virginia in 1609

    Jhon Smith had an accident and had to return to England. People told Pocahontas he was dead so she wouldn't visit the English settlement.
  • Pocahontas is captured by the English in 1610

    Pocahontas was captured by Smith's people, but they are very kind to her.
  • Pocahontas gets married 1613

    Pocahontas gets married 1613
    An englishman named John Rolfe fell in love with Pocahontas and the two got married.
  • Pocahontos's son Thomas Rolfe is born in 1614

    Pocahontos's son Thomas Rolfe is born in 1614
    Pocahontos had a son with Jhon Rolfe named Thomas Rolfe.
  • Pocahontas leaves Virginia to England in 1616

    Pocahontas was took by the english colonizers from Virginia to England.
  • Pocahontas died in 1617

    Pocahontas died in 1617
    Pocahontas died on the returning voyage to Virginia from England of either pnemonia or tuberculosis.