Hitler and the Road to the Second World War

  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
    President Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany. There was increased support for Hitler in part of the German people, suporting his views such as rearmament, opposition of the Treaty of Versailles, and whose writings include a call for territorial expansion and a racial empire.
  • Hitler leaves the League of Nations

    Hitler leaves the League of Nations
    After increased resentment in part of the German populace towards the Treaty of Versailles, and admration for Hitler's independent stance, Germany withdrew from the League of Nations. Though worrying for countries such as Britain and France, Hitler's action was not seen as a step towards war.
  • Nazi takeover in Austria is foiled by Italy

    Nazi takeover in Austria is foiled by Italy
    Following the Nazis creating conflict in Austria in an attempt to annex Austria for Germany, Itlaly intervened due to an agreement with Austria which guaranteed Italian protection in case of outside aggression. Britain and France saw from this that Italy was setting aside the need to protect a fellow righ-wing country for the protection of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Hitler reintroduces conscription

    Hitler reintroduces conscription
    Hitler further violated the Treaty of Versailles when he reintroduced conscription in the German Reich. This was a turning point in Germany's renewed development as a military power. Britain and France did not act, however ties with Italy increased.
  • Anglo-German Naval Agreement

    Anglo-German Naval Agreement
    Germany and Britain agreed to the Anglo-German Naval Agreement, in which Germany's navy was allowed some space to grow, however its new limit would be 35 percent of the British navy. This was a direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles, prompting international citicism and driving a wedge between France and Britain.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    To serve as an outlet for Italian overpopulation, as well as revenge for a past defeat, italy invaded Ethiopia (Abyssinia) in an attempt to fix previous Italian humiliation. Ethiopia appealed to the League, however it showed the League to be inefficient after sanctions imposed by countries such as Britain and France were ineffective. Italian support was being lost due to British and French ctiticism as well.
  • Germany remilitarizes the Rhineland

    Germany remilitarizes the Rhineland
    In violation of the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler remilitarized the region of the Rhineland whilst Britain and France were occupied with Mussolini's invasion of Abyssinia. With remilitarization successfully achieved, Hitler remilitarized further as consequence. Despite British and French resentment in this, there was little British support for any actual action.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    A coalition between Germany and Italy was formed in 1936, which linked the two fascist countries in an alliance. Both Germany and Italy then gave aid to a right-wing military revolt in Spain, which Britain did nothing to stop, as it adopted a policy of neutrality about the situation.
  • Germany occupies and annexes Austria

    Germany occupies and annexes Austria
    Having Italy's sympathy, Hitler took this advantageous opportunity to annex Austria by marching troops into its land, where surprisingly Hitler was met with enthusiastic crowds. Hitler appointed a new Nazi government, and the Anchluss was proclaimed. British prime minister Chamberlain, hoped to negotiate a major revision of the Treaty of Versailles, whilst preparing for the worst. However, neither Britain nor France acted.
  • Hitler demands 3 million German speakers in Sudetenland

    Hitler demands 3 million German speakers in Sudetenland
    "Sudeten" Germans were formerly part of Austria, it is then that Hitler set his eyes upon this territory and demanded that Czechoslovakia essentially give up the Sudetenland to Germany. However, Germany wass not satisfied with just one portion, and had plans to take over the entirety of Czechoslovakia. France had an alliance with Czechoslovakia, but Britain did not, and Chamberlain was anxious not to be drawn into a war between Germany and France.