Hitler and the Road to the Second World War

  • Hitler Becomes the Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler Becomes the Chancellor of Germany
    When Hitler became chancellor, Britain and France were occupied with internal economic problems and they id not think Germany would commit any acts of agressions after Hitler became chancellor because their army and navy were much smaller than Britain and France's German people supported him because they wanted to break from the treaty of versailles
  • Hitler leaves the League of Nations

    Hitler leaves the League of Nations
    On october 14, 1933 Germany withdrew from the League of Nations, many Germans saw this as an opportunity to break from the Treaty of Versailles as German people believed the league was associated with the Treaty of Versailles. Britain and France did not see Hitler's withdrawal as a definitive start of a war
  • Anglo-German Naval Treaty

    Anglo-German Naval Treaty
    This Treaty violated the terms of the treaty of Versailles, this lead to the increase of rearmament towards Germany. This treaty had the purpose of reaching better relations between Britain and Germany, and it allowed Germany to build up its navy but would be limited to 35% the size of the British Navy.
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Italy Invades Ethiopia
    Italy Invades Ethiopia, Italy claims that his policies of expansin were simliar to other colonial powers in Africa. Due to public optinion, Britain and France started to critisize Mussolini, ultimatly losing his support
  • Germany Remilitirizes the Rhineland

    Germany Remilitirizes the Rhineland
    Germany violates the terms of the Locarno pact as well as the Treaty of Versailles by deployin troops into the rhineland which was agreed to be remained demilitarized. France did not intervene although it could have. There was little hope Britain woiuld help and this action by Germany lead to the increase in arms production
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    This was a pact created bu the Italian foreign minister and it dealt with Italy and Germany. This pact was made to link both countries together as allies and it later inclided Japan in the pact. This alliance was important to Hitler because it needed an ally now that Germany decided to start rearmament
  • Hitler Demands Concessions for German Speakers

    Hitler Demands Concessions for German Speakers
    Hitler demands concessions for the 3 million german speaking people that were situated in Sudetenland as well as Czechoslovakia which cause a danger for war. The Sudetenland was part of Austria-Hungary which was split up after World War 1. This was Germany's first action towards regaining control of areas wherre German speakers settled in and expand the German empire.
  • Hitler Rejects a deal in a meeting at Godesberg

    Hitler Rejects a deal in a meeting at Godesberg
    Hitler does not accept the deal proposed at a subsequent meeting, he insisted that on the secession of the Sudetenland areas. Hitler pushed the dealt to benefit him, causeing dager of war. Chamberlain saw this even as a possible start of a war and did not want to involve Russia or Britain as well as any other outside force.
  • Hitler accepts Italian Meditation

    Hitler accepts Italian Meditation
    Hitler accepts Italian meditation, Britain and France also accept Germany's terms at a conference in Munich. Germany then takes the sudetenland. Germany gained what it wanted and rearmament still continued, British rearmament was also present during this time because the long term problem was still present.
  • Germany occupies Memel, Lithuania

    Germany occupies Memel, Lithuania
    Germany invades and occupies a city in Lithuania, Memel. Germany also demands control over the Polish corridor as it is a gerographical advantage and crucial to obtain rearmament. A diplomatic coup happens in August, which gives Hitler a non-agression pact with the soviet union and a deal to divide poland, Germany invades Poland on September 1, 1939