
Hitler and Germany

By dforan
  • Reading 1

    Hitler realised that to set the terms of international affairs, he could just complain about the Treaty of Versailles. He did this becasue it made him seem like he wanted the best for the country.
  • Neutrality Laws

    In 1935 the U.S passed the Neutrality laws that stated that they were not going to participate in fighting, but they also stated that they would not make lons, sell arms, or provide any assistance to fighting countries.
  • Saturday surprises 1

    Hitler did one of his surprises when he just decided to bring bsck the German Air Force, reinstating the drafr, and rearming the nation. He pretty much just threw out the Treaty of Versailles. He stated that this was for defensive reasons.
  • Saturday surprises 2

    The next surprise was when he once again just forgot about the Treaty of Versailles. He marched into the Reineland and and had the Air Force above them. They According to the treaty they were not able to position there even though it was part of Germany, but he just simply ignored the treaty.
  • Hilter Allies

    In this year Hitler decided to become allies with Italy. It had a lot of consequences, it gavve Mussolini Germany support for the invasion of Ethiopia.
  • Secret Meeting

    Hitler was ready, he had the prime minister of Austria ( Kurt Von Schuschinigg ) to a secret meeting that in which they came up with many insults and threats that they could use. Fuehrer wanted Austria to join the GReater Germany. When he said that he would let the people decide Fuehrer thtreatened that they would invade.
  • The invasion of Austria

    When the prime minister announced on the radio that the things that Germany were saying were false (which they were), when the German troups entered with no defense at all in opposition, 99.7 percent agreed with Germany because they thought that the country wasn't worth fighting over.
  • Evian, France meeting

    Delegates from 32 nations met in France. Each representative showed great sorrow over the growing amount of deportees and refugees. Many refugees wanted to go to Palestine, but they determnied that it would be impractical.
  • Czechoslovakia

    Hitler turned twords the czechs next. He knew that there were 3 million German speakers there and they were already planning a return to the reich. The Czecs turned to their allies (France and Russia) for help
  • Jewish names

    At this time Hitler decided that they would make a list of Jewish names and if your name was on the list you were considered Jewish. If you did not have one of theese names you were either Sarah for the women or Israel for the men.
  • The St. Louis

    Many Jewish people borded the St. Louis in order to sail to freedom. Each one had to pay a sum of 150$ which was a lot at the time to have permission to land in Cuba. When they arrived they wre not allowed off the ship and were kept from freedom. The U.S would not take them and many died on the long journey home. However a few countries in europe were able to take in the people.
  • Polish Jews

    They decided to abolish all of the polish Jews. Poland refused to accept them therefore they were put in refugee camps near the German-Polish border. There were thousands of men, women, and children put into theese refugees.
  • Jewish rights

    almost all the rights for the Jews were taken away at this time. They were unable to walk, drive or be in certain parts of every city. Joseph Goebbles made it so that Jews could not spread "exageration" of what was happening so it seemed not so bad to the outside wold. The Jews were also unable to go to the alters to pray, go to the movies, concerts, sporting events, and even lost the right to own a radio.