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History Timeline

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord.

    Starting off in the Revolutionary War, British and American colonies opened an rebellion due to events of the Boston Massacre. British Colonies set a destination Concard, gathering armies and warn their was a war coming.Paul Revere widely dispersed villages at Lexington of the advancing British troops. Soon the British loos resources.returning to Boston and made America root victory. his success encouraged the spirit of revolt across the American colonies.
  • Battle of Saratoga

  • Battle of Yorktown

    Where the British who followed commander Lord Cornwallis in Yorktown and dispatch his troops. The french were right under their nose when they send their fleet to the unsuspected fort. The two combined armies then headed South toward New York City,where both found defense suitable. So, Washington signals surrender form of British troops.The war ended with the American claiming victory.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    The Northwest Ordience allowed new states to join the Union, which was signed by Thomas Jefferson in 1784. These states were added to the Continental Congress. Under the Ordinance underlined spread of slavery and liberties. Five states have to followed under these guidelines- even if the South were not too pleased. It leads more events of abolished in History.
  • Alien and Sedition Act

    These acts were based on unconstitutional rights towards immigrants that who are not exactly ratified to by citizens. They incorrectly follow the first amendment, so Congress eventually took course of action by rafifying these acts. The Ailen Act was based on immgrent not having the willto vote- or have citizenship. The Sedition Act
  • Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions

  • Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana purchase was gained by the French, to access more land for settlers. Thomas Jefferson purchased the land to handle dispute, but soon fallen gulity of the unfair exchange. He'd send two explorers named Lewis and Clerk to explore its values, however they'd gained more than they bargained for. The explorers stumbled finding the Oregon Territory while the rest of the land found engrossment in the Mississippi River. Both Britsh and Colonist used it.
  • Marbury v Madision

  • Missouri Compromise

  • Monroe Doctrine

  • Nullification Crisis

    The Nullification Crisis is based against a tariff on imported goods. John Calhoun attempted to rid the abominations, declaring for a solution for the southerns. In 1832, Henry Clay pushed through Congress a new tariff bill, with lower rates than the Tariff of Abominations. They provided South Carolina the benefit and made the nullification successful. Soeverity soreard in the nation
  • Texas Annexation

  • Oregon Treaty

  • Mexcian Cession

    After Texas joined the United States in 1846, a boundary dispute broke out almost immediately between the United States and Mexico. The United States wanted to build a transcontinental railroad. which climbed victory on shared territories.The Mexican Cession was heavily influenced the expansion of slave states. We acquire by signing the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidago, requiring new states and future use of the western territory. This boarder became apart of our union
  • Compromise of 1850

    Tensions between the North and the South, as the two regions debated whether or not to extend slavery into the area. Stephen Douglas, took over the operation. California was admitted as a free state,causing them to compromise the idea. People still own slaves, interferes with slave trade, strengthening fugitive slave law. African Americas running away, the North try to protect them.
  • Kansas - Nebraska Act

    Provision in the Kansas-Nebraska Act calling for popular sovereignty, of the new territories would vote on the issue of slavery.Southerners did not want to bring in a free state. So Douglas came up with the idea of creating two new territories. Next the Missouri Compromise supposed to untie the country, yet others opposed.Forces on both sides of the issue began arriving in Kansas, and outbreaks of violence resulted.
  • Bleeding (Bloody) Kansas

  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    The Battle of Fort Sumter started in South Carolina when their goal was to guard Charlesion harbor from attack. Commader of the North, Robert Anderson who planning to rain ambush on Fort Sumter.It began with South Carolina seceding from the Union and escalated with the formation of the Confederacy, so the Untion moved its forces. After the war Commander Anderson surrender and the South won.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    The first significance rebellion of the Clvi War, where Confederate troops fired at Fort Sumter. The Union and Confederate troops fought over the Capital of Richman. armies ruthlessly fought in for the Confederate flag, both looking for a favor a victory of their armies. Thomas J. Jackson Soon enough, Confederate troop won the Bull Run while Union troops flee back to Washington.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Union and Confederate troops clashed at the crossroads town of Sharpsburg, The Battle of Antietam. General, George. McClellan, held a strategic advantage and held his ground. Neither side was a winner in the Battle of Antietam. The North, however, claimed victory as Lee's army was forced to retreat . It made an opportunity to pledge Union regain control called Emancipation Proclamation
  • Emancipation Proclamation

  • Battle of Vicksburg

    There are two commanders , Grant and Pemberton. The Confederate goal to control agriculture . Grant's army surrounded Pemberton and outnumbered, finally surrendered on July 4th. It was an brilliant war for the Union. With the loss of Pemberton’s the Union victory at Vicksburg the Union controlled the entire Mississippi River and the Confederacy was effectively split in half. The battle was important because it gave the South granted success.
    Southerners can portion new land for farming.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Bloodiest battle of the Civil war that lead forces on defensive ground in Gettysburg. They simply had to convince the North to quit the fight, and leave the South to their new nation. Robert E Lee was in charge of the fight, leading Confederate reinforcements arrived on both sides, Lee attacked the Federals.The Union victory was a much-needed shot in the arm for the United States.
  • Gettysburg Address

  • 13th amendment passed

    This Amendment regulates absolutist to slavery. Many terrorizes had free and enslaved under different route until Abraham Lincoln wanted to reunite the nation. The 13th Amendment was ratified in the constitution. Former slaves were dealt with the Democrats and earned equal rights
  • 14th amendment passed

    The 14th Amendment was established the times of 1860. In the Constitution grants citizenship and equal rights protection to African Americans. These laws were made for the Democrats who were against slavery until a representative passed the law. This further spreads freedom for African American and introduces events such as Black Codes.
  • 15th amendment passed

    Republicans pushing to issue the 15 Amendment which prohibited Union states on giving men the right to vote. However, States were hesitant yet required two-thirds majorities in the House. Democrats also charged the Republicans with breaking their promise of allowing the states and decide for themselves whether to grant black male suffrage. Soon, Republicans won ratifying victories in 1870.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

    Cites foreshadowing in 14th amendment where equal protection is supposed to be justified in the South. The Supreme Court carried this case into segregation of whites and blacks. Deeper in the case was about Louisiana enacted the Separate Car Act, which required separate railway cars for blacks and whites. Some had arguments and the case was taken to federal court.