History of Voting

  • North Carolina Constitution of 1776

    North Carolina's constitution of 1776 was made to help the people catch up and be a part in the struggle for the "American Independence". Our constitution brings forth the rights listed in the national constitution but also give some other rights that are reserved for the states. Our constitution establishes the rights and responsibilities of the citizens of North Carolina and the structure of the State's government.
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    Seneca Falls Convention

    I don't know how to drag this back- But it's way before where it's at on the timeline.
    The Women's Right convention in Seneca Falls was the convention or meeting where women came together to discuss the ways that the government could adjust and give them the rights they deserve. The convention was based around a quote that the government was made by and for "we the people" which doesn't mean just men. (significance in the extra document.)
  • The Fifteenth Amendment

    The Fifteenth Amendment was one of the first steps into letting other than white males vote. The Fifteenth Amendment basically states that nobody should be denied the right to vote because of skin color or past of being a slave. The significance of this amendment is huge. It was a big step into the path of making voting opportunities equal for everyone of any skin color no matter if having a past of being an African-American slave. Without this first step, voting rights might not be like today's
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    Jim Crow- Voting During Jim Crow

    During the times of Jim Crow, lots of colored men were stripped of their rights to vote. First it started with them fighting in the war with the US then coming back home to an angry country. Then getting all these difficult laws put out so that they can't register to vote. Lots of black men never got the chance to vote which meant that they didn't have any sort of say when it came to the government doing something that they felt was discriminative solely towards them.
  • The Seventeenth Amendment

    In the seventeenth amendment, it explains how the US Senate would be structured on how people would be elected into the Senate. They said that the senate's representatives would come one from each state and be elected for six year terms. It also talks about how vacancies in the senate would be dealt with. This amendment establishes the representatives vote in the senate while also regulating the things about them that would help making voting in senators not that hard.
  • The Nineteenth Amendment

    The Nineteenth Amendment was the response to a centuries worth of women's protests and complaints to not having as much rights as men. This amendment was a breakthrough and a step towards women being accepted as more than just housekeepers and husband finders. The Nineteenth amendment states that everyone has the right to vote and that nobody should be denied that right "on account of (their) sex" (significance explained on the document)
  • The Indian Citizenship Act

    The Indian Citizenship Act had given the Native Americans living in America citizenship. Before the act, they weren't citizens (some had been offered citizenship for fighting in WWI). The significance of this act was pretty huge saying that now, Native Americans can vote and the tribes still in America have their lands. Even though their culture has been limited, they are still respected and given the rights to be a citizen in the country that they live.
  • The Twenty-third Amendment

    The Twenty-third Amendment gives the people residing in the District of Columbia (DC) the right to vote. People always saw DC as the epitome of the country and to represent our democracy as a whole- but when they themselves can not vote, It seems like a controversial problem. The significance of this act was pretty look worthy because DC was populating quickly and it really could function and be a state at this point. What I'm saying is that they should have been given these rights a while ago.
  • The Twenty-fourth Amendment

    The Twenty Fourth Amendment is a pretty big deal as of when it was released. The amendment had irradiated the use of poll taxes when voting. Shortly before, or during this time, poor African-Americans or other poor people couldn't vote due to the use of poll taxes. This amendment is significant because, now, everyone can vote without having to pay a tax, toll, or fee. Having no poll tax allows people to remain with their first amendment and have their voice when voting for president or others.
  • Voting Rights act of 1965

    These voting rights had been needed. Colored men (and some women) could not have registered to vote because of several ways that white men found to get around the voting rights of the constitution. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 took those policies and chucked them out of a window and regarded the people's rights to be able to vote no matter skin color or past of slavery.
  • The Twenty-sixth Amendment

    The Twenty-Sixth amendment gave young adults (18 years as the youngest) the rights to register and vote. This amendment had came into thought because of the fact that men had to join that draft at 18 but not be able to vote until they're older, so why join the draft for your country when you can't even vote for the person running it. (Significance in the extension google document)