William g morgan

History of volleyball

  • William G Morgan

    William G Morgan
    He first invented volleyball
  • Spring Field College

    Spring Field College
    Wheren the first game of "volleyball" was ever played
  • YMCA spread of volleyball

    YMCA spread of volleyball
    th sport started travling
  • The ball for the sport was made

    The ball for the sport was made
    The officially made volleyball ever. It was actually made all white
  • Spread to cuba

    Spread to cuba
    womens teaam.
  • voted most popular sport

    voted most popular sport
    volleyball was presented as a playground at the American Convention.
  • YMCA volleyball spread

    YMCA volleyball spread
    volleyball spread to Puerto Rico volleyball
  • YMCA spread to Urguay

    YMCA spread to Urguay
    volleyball spread hit Urguay.
  • competitions held in Far Eastern

    competitions held in Far Eastern
    games of volleyball first played over there.
  • Philippines

    philippines have started playing the sport vo;;eyball