History of Video Games

  • First Video Game

    First Video Game
    The first ever video game was invented by Edward U. Condon. This game was called "Nim". Human competitors would play against the computer and the computer won 90% of the time.
  • Video Games on TV

    Video Games on TV
    Ralph Baer builds the “Brown Box”, a video game console that allowed users to play on TV screens. Games you could play include ping pong, checkers, sports games, and more.
  • Odyssey & Pong

    Odyssey & Pong
    The Magnavox Odyssey allows gamers to take a console home for the first time. It’s based on Baer’s “Brown Box”. The same year the Odyssey goes on sale, video game maker Atari launches “Pong”, and video games get very popular.
  • Video Computer System

    Video Computer System
    Atari releases its Video Computer System, or the Atari 2600. It was the beginning to modern consoles, and features games like Space Invaders, Donkey Kong, and Frogger.
  • Worst Game Ever

    Worst Game Ever
    E.T. is released for the Atari 2600. Widely considered the worst game ever made, the company ended up burying thousands of the game cartridges in the New Mexico desert.
  • Nintendo Launches

    Nintendo Launches
    Nintendo, a company originally founded as a playing card company during the late 1880s, got into the video game business in the 1970s and revolutionized the industry with NES. NES games were graphically superior, and the extra memory allowed for multiple levels and storytelling.
  • Sega Genesis

    Sega Genesis
    The next console launched in 1989, when game company Sega released the Genesis. This introduced us to another classic character, Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic was seen as a more mature counterpart to Mario, helping win over older gamers.
  • Concern about violent games

    Concern about violent games
    Concern about blood and violence in games such as Mortal Kombat prompts United States Senate hearings on video game violence. The controversy riles the industry and prompts the creation of a video game rating system.
  • PlayStation is released

    PlayStation is released
    Sony releases PlayStation in the United States and sold it for $100 less than Sega Saturn. The lower price, along with the arrival of Nintendo 64 in 1996, Sega's home console business was weakened. When Sony PlayStation 2 debuts in 2000, it becomes the dominant home console and Sega leaves the home console business.
  • Xbox is released

    Xbox is released
    Microsoft enters the video game market with Xbox and games such as Halo: Combat Evolved. Four years later, Xbox 360 gains millions of fans with its advanced graphics and online play.
  • Wii is released

    Wii is released
    Nintendo Wii gets gamers off the couch and moving with motion-sensitive remotes. Not only does Nintendo make gaming more active, it also appeals to millions of people who never before liked video games.
  • Portable Games

    Portable Games
    Video games are launched on iphones and tablets. These games are portable and easy for users to enjoy.