History of Things

  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    To prevent the United States from trading with Canada Napolian Bonaparte, held ship vessels and other forms of trading from entering each other. Which violated the Paris Treaty.
  • 1823 Monroe Doctine

    1823 Monroe Doctine
    To prevent further convulsion by the Europeans, President James Monroe declared that the Americas would not stand by or tolerate intervention in conflicts by the Americas.
  • Origins of The Mexican- American War

    Origins of The Mexican- American War
    The war was caused by the Texas region being condemned by gaining independence from Mexico and the north not wanting to it to be a slave state.
  • Independence of Hawaii

    Independence of Hawaii
    The monarchy of Hawaii was overthrown by sugar planters and businessmen who forcefully made Queen Liliuokalani advocate. This led to Hawaii nearly two years later becoming the 50th state.
  • The Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War
    Conflicts between the United States and Spain increased throughout the years, but was ultimately increased by the sinking of the USS Maine in a Havana harbor. The war would last until August and end with the treaty signing called The Treaty of Paris, Ultimately acquiring the land Spain once had.
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    Intervening in Mexican Military

    The capturing of Generals Vera Cruz and John Pershings were caused by the raids of Pancho Villa raids that were started by the assassination of Mexican General Pancho Villa.
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    Occupation of Dominican Republic

    To prevent many from second guessing the government the United States invaded the Dominican Republic which caused the deaths of 31 Americans and 3,000 servicemen.
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    The Occupation of Nicaragua

    Cesar Sandino rebels had fought for independence from a government. We had supported but was caused problems by the rebellion and then ultimately led to the assassination of the the rebellion leader.
  • Overthrowing of Guatemalan Government

    Overthrowing of Guatemalan Government
    As the cold war began to heat up, the United States took the president of Guatemala Jacobo Arbenz out of office due to his soft stance on communism.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    Fidel Castro had been on the United States governments radar for a while. He had been in terms with the Soviet Union allowing to give threats and point missiles. It was a CIA operation that had ultimately failed by a long shot and kept him in power.
  • Quarintine of the Soviet Union

    Quarintine of the Soviet Union
    The threat of the Soviet Union using missiles to attack us had gotten to a reaching point, the U.S invaded and took control and dismantled them while we had weapons pointing at them.
  • Prevention of Power

    Prevention of Power
    Juan Bosch was denied power by the United States in the Dominican Republic, because of his communist ties.
  • The Killing of Chilean President

    The Killing of Chilean President
    Salvador Allende was the president of the Chile and the U.S had planned to kill him due to him plans and rules on government that we did not agree on.
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    Fighting the Chilean Government

    Nicaragua conflicts with the U.S forced them to lend troops to the Contras Military Group as we opposed his maxi-policies that were harsh and cruel.
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    Democracy for Haiti

    The United States sent troops to Haiti to restore order and maintain a working country for the sake of a new election and better future