
history of the cash register

By bjewe
  • the person who invented the first cash register.

    the person who invented the first cash register.
    James Ritty was the first person to make the first cash register.(he looks like a very nice man)
  • John H. Patterson

    John H. Patterson
    he made James Ritty's cash register into a fortune(wow)
  • Jacob H. Eckert

    Jacob H. Eckert
    Patterson bought the rights to Ritty's invention from Jacob H. Eckert, who had purchased the rights from Ritty. The price: $6,500. He renamed the company the National Cash Register Co. from the National Manufacturing Co.and started to put the registers into production. That company is now known as NCR, the global technology firm.
  • Patterson

    Eighty-four companies sell cash registers but only three actually survived long-term. Patterson, who aggressively bought out his competition and had a flair for sales, sets up an inventions department to create bigger and better thief-proof registers