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History of Phones

  • The first telephone

    The first telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell discovers the principle of the telephone. Him and Thomas Watson work together to create the first phone connection.
  • The First outdoor telephone wire

    Commercial telephone service began in the U.S.
  • The beginning of cell phone technology

    Oliver Lodge demonstrated wireless communication over a distance of 150 yards.
  • First telephone line

    First telephone line
    Bell system creates a U.S. transcontinental telephone line. Everyone in the US is now connected to each other.
  • Transatlantic telephone cables

    Transatlantic telephone cables
    Calls were now able to be made to European countries, and eventually the rest of the world.
  • Videophones

    Videophones have become more affordable.
  • Touch tone phone

    Touch tone phone
    This phone made a different beep for each number instead of counted clicks for each number, it replaced rotary phones.
  • The first single chip microprocessor

    The first single chip microprocessor
    The first single-chip microprocessor was the 4004. It makes telephones and switching systems smaller, lighter and faster to use.
  • The first cell phone

    Motorola presents the cellular telephone to the FCC. People could call each other without wires.
  • FAX machines

    FAX machines
    FAX machines are now popular. A printed sheet of paper could be sent across telephone lines and received whole on the other end.
  • MicroTAC

    MicroTAC is a pocket cellular telephone introduced by Motorola.
  • The first smartphone

    The first smartphone
    The IBM Simon was considered the first smartphone. It was a mobile phone, PDA, and fax machine all in one. It also had a touch screen and sold for $899.
  • Period: to

    The molbile phone

    companies strive to make their mobile phone models lighter, faster, slimmer, and cheaper.
  • The Blackberry

    The Blackberry
    Research in Motion introduces the Blackberry 850. This was the beginning of the Blackberry, ending up with a comparable smartphone with the ability to download applications from the Blackberry App World.
  • Apple phones

    Apple phones
    Apple launches the first iPhone, which integrated a touchscreen display with the best web-browsing experience to yet be offered on a mobile device. Years later, it is still the device that all other smartphones are compared to.
  • Androids

    Motorola introduces the Droid, the first Android-based smartphone, which sold over 1 million units within 74 days of being out.