History of Multicultural Education

  • Engel v. Vitale

    Engel v. Vitale
    Engel v. Vitale made it unconstitutional for schools to compose a specific prayer for which students had to recite. This was a very important event as not everybody practices the same religion, therefore, you cannot expect every student to feel comfortable reciting the same prayer. This helped to establish that children in schools all come from different multicultural backgrounds and we must embrace all kinds of prayer.
  • The Equality of Educational Opportunity Study

    The Equality of Educational Opportunity Study
    This was a study which assessed that educational needs were being met for people of all diversities. It compared scores of children in the same grades and asked for their race, gender, and religious backgrounds. Coleman asked the questions no one else dared ask and they then used this information to develop a better understanding of how to get teaching resources distributed equally in public schools.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    This act made it illegal to discriminate anyone based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This was highly beneficial to multicultural education as it allowed women and men of all ages, religious backgrounds, and races to shape young minds. More perspectives and views allow for deeper understanding to youth.
  • McCarver Elementary School in Tacoma

    McCarver Elementary School in Tacoma
    This was a school that became the nations first "magnet school." Meaning, they provided diverse programs which weren't available elsewhere in the hopes that it would attract students from more diverse backgrounds. This encouraged students to put themselves in unknown situations and thrive.
  • Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm

    Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm
    Shirley was the first teacher whom was African American to serve in the United States Congress. This had a huge impact on anybody who believed a woman, let alone a woman of color could ever hold a privileged position. I believe it helped shaped young minds to believe they could achieve anything their teacher could.
  • Michael Hart events the e-book

    Michael Hart events the e-book
    The invention of the E-book was monumental to education. It provides access to thousands of documents that would otherwise not be accessible to students everywhere. By having this access a more varied learning environment is available to people of all backgrounds and many cultures can be studies and taught.
  • The Indian Education Act

    The Indian Education Act
    This was a legislation which established a thorough approach to ensure the educational needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students were being met. This increased multicultural awareness of the beliefs of those whom had their land taken from them. This was important in the classroom to help those from different backgrounds understand United States history and encourage everyones educational needs be heard.
  • Children's Defense Fund

    Children's Defense Fund
    This was a non-profit founded by Marian Wright Edelman. It priories a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves and its proceeds are used to improve children's lives. It gives them the tools and resources to start a healthy foundation. Without it, many children would not have had the opportunity to go to school, therefore, increasing multicultural education and availability for everyone.
  • The Equal Educational Opportunities Act

    The Equal Educational Opportunities Act
    This is a federal law that prohibits discrimination of any kind against faculty and students. It made it illegal to have racial segregation of any kind in schools. This was extremely important as it created equality in the classroom and gave everybody a chance at learning.
  • The National Association of Bilingual Education

    The National Association of Bilingual Education
    This non-profit was founded to improve instructional practiced for linguistically and culturally diverse children. This ensures no child is left behind because of language barriers when it comes to education. They provide resources for those who may not be proficient in English. This increases diversity in the classroom and allows children to develop intercultural understanding.