History of Multicultural Education

  • The Public Library in South Carolina

    The Public Library in South Carolina
    In November of 1698, the first public library in the nation, was established in South Carolina. This is important for education because without a library we will not have books to help us study and learn. The library is also known to be a church, in the same building.
  • Ursuline Academy of New Orleans

    Ursuline Academy of New Orleans
    The Ursuline Academy is located in New Orleans and is the oldest Catholic school for girls. The school is important because when they opened the school, the primary focus was to enforce the education of women. This helps the girls gain a better sense in culture, society and different developments in learning.
  • First English Academy

    First English Academy
    In 1751 Benjamin Franklin was asked to establish an educational curriculum that included courses such as history, geography, navigation, surveying, modern and classical languages. This curriculum played an important part because it helps with the curriculum that we use now. We incorporate different courses into our school schedules, we learn about all kinds of topics that help us with our daily lives or future careers. The English Academy is now known as the University of Pennsylvania.
  • A Grammatical Institute of the English Language

    A Grammatical Institute of the English Language
    A Grammatical Institute of the English Language includes three volumes consisting of a spelling book, grammar book, and a reader. They were written by Noah Webster, who was not happy with the English textbooks that we had available. The books are important as they are still being used till this day to help with English Courses.
  • Connecticut Asylum at Hartford for the Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons

    Connecticut Asylum at Hartford for the Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons
    In 1817, the first school for the deaf in the U.S. The co-founders noticed a lack of resources for students who were deaf, and decided that having a permanent school would be the best choice. The school was later called the American School for the Deaf. The school is extremely important as it includes students who have a different learning disability, to help them pursue the correct education with individuals just like them.
  • New England Asylum for the Blind

    New England Asylum for the Blind
    In 1829, the first school for the visually impaired opens, welcoming students who are blind. When the school first started, they only had six students, and over the years, the students gradually increased. This school is important for the fact that it includes students with disabilities and provides them the appropriate resources to achieve the proper education. It is a really great setting, as the students feel welcomed and not discriminated because of their disability.
  • First Woman to Graduate from Medical School

    First Woman to Graduate from Medical School
    Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman in the U.S. to graduate from medical school. She specialized in obstetrics and gynecology. She also helped other women pursues careers in the medical field. Dr. Elizabeth also created the New York Infirmary in 1857 where she allowed women to intern and get jobs because no other place would hire them.
  • Department of Education

    Department of Education
    In 1867 the Department of Education is established to help with gathering information of schools to determine how the students learn and teachers instruct. This helps with the understanding of education and how well the students gather the information. This allows for a better effective school system.
  • Bethune-Cookman University

    Bethune-Cookman University
    in 1904, Mary McLoeod Bethune opened the Daytona Literary and Industrial Trianing School for Negro Girls. She was the first African American to lead a federal agency. The program was made for young African American girls who were in high school but it later transitioned into a college, and then later into a University named Bethune-Cookman Unversity.
  • Higher Education Act

    Higher Education Act
    The Higher Education Act assists in the area of providing resources to help students who need financial assistance. They also help with educational resources for colleges and universities in the U.S. After the act was reauthorized, they expanded ways for students to access higher education, especially for students in the lower to middle income range. This is important because it gives access to students who need access to scholarships or financial aid.