History of Japan

  • 250

    Kofun Period

    Kofun Period
    This period is named after the tumulus burial mounds that began appearing about this time. These burials contain large stone burials chambers with some surrounded by moats. They also made a lot of pottery. During this period Japan did some critical evolution to making Japan a recognized region. The period ended in 538 AD when the Yamaoto clan took over Japan.
  • Jan 1, 1180

    Genpei War

    Genpei War
    During this time, Taira and Minamoto clans had a conflict which led to the downfall of the Taira clan. It also allowed the establishment of Kamakura Shogunate under Minamoto Yoritiomo in 1192. This lead to the establishment of a samurai military power and it gave less power to the emperor. Japan's national colors today are also based on these two clans (red and white).
  • Jan 8, 1336

    Ashikaga Clan Rule

    Ashikaga Clan Rule
    For about 200 years the Ashikaga clan ruled over Japan. They were a prominent Japanese samurai clan and they established the Muromachi shogunate. This helped Japan play out foreign relation policy choices with the Korean Peninsula and Imperial China.
  • Perry creates trade with Americans

    Perry creates trade with Americans
    Commodore Perry traveled to Japan from Norfolk, Virginia in search of a Japanese trade treaty. The Japanese didn't easily give in to Perry. Perry had to threaten Japan with war seeing as the Americans would easily squish them. On Perry's second trip to Japan the treaty was officially signed in March 31, 1854 by a shogun and Perry. This could be why we are still good friends with Japan and continue to trade with them now.
  • Japan invades Korea

    Japan invades Korea
    Under the Eusla Treaty, Korea was declared under Japanese rule and was officially annexed in 1910. Japan would hold onto Korea until the end of WW2 (August 15, 1945). Korea still feels the burn from Japan. These two countries don't seem to be very friendly with each other.
  • Japan conquers Beijing

    Japan conquers Beijing
    The Japanese Empire was on a quest to rule over Asia and the Pacific Islands so they began with the invasion of China's imperial capitol city. Japan held onto the city for 40 years. China still feels shame from Japan because of this to this day.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    Japan wanted to bomb the U.S. to try and keep them from interfering with their Empire rule over Southeast Asia. Japan killed 2402 people with 1282 wounded. Instead, this would be the leading cause to the U.S. entering WW2.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    On this day the U.S. used nuclear weapons to bomb the city of Hiroshima. This is the only use of nuclear weapons used in warfare to date. In the end, 90,000-166,000 people died most occurring in the first day. On August 9th that same year, Nagasaki was also bombed. The difference between the two bombs was that the Hiroshima bomb was made of uranium and the Nagasaki one was made of plutonium. 40,000-75,000 people died in Nagasaki. This may have led to the surrender of Japan in WW2.
  • The Great Hanshin Eaarthquake

    The Great Hanshin Eaarthquake
    An earthquake hit the area of Kobe in 1995 killing 6,000 people and leaving 44,00 injured. 250,000 houses were burned and destoryed. After this quake Japan improved building structures and enhanced warning systems for the next earthquake so less people will die.
  • Japan Earthquake

    Japan Earthquake
    A 9.0 magnitude earthquake was felt in Japan affecting the northeastern part of Honshu. It was the strongest earthquake to hit Japan to date. They are still suffering from the damages and nuclear power plants malfunctioning today.
  • Heian Era

    Heian Era
    This era lasted until about 1185. It began when the capitol was moved to what is now modern day Kyoto. During this period Buddhism, Taoism and other Chinese influences was spread throughout the region. Because of this, Japan today still has many roots and followers of Buddhism and other philosophies from Chinese philosophers. It is also noted for its art and Imperial court.
  • Buddhism

    In this year the religion Buddhism was introduced. Prince Shotoku approved and spread the religion throughout the country. Buddhism today remains Japan's top religion with about 91 million people practicing it.