Hearing lady!

History of hearing aids

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    The First Hearing Aids

    The first hearing aids were developed around this time period. They were the stereotypical "ear trumpet" style with a wide horn to gather sound and a small end to amplify it. They were generally made from things like glass or shell. It wasn't until the 1700s that they were made from metals like brass and copper.
  • Bone Conduction

    Bone Conduction
    Although the exact date is unknown, it is known that sometime in May of the 1700s bone conduction was discovered. This idea came from the knowledge that our skull can transmit vibrations down into our ear. The technology began to change to small fan like shapes that drew sound vibrations into the small bones of the ear
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    Conceal your aid!

    During this time period it became fashionable to hide your hearing aid. People used to incorporate them into all sorts of things like headbands, collars, and even certain hairstyles!
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    Getting more modern

    Hearing aids began to take a more modern approach, thanks to electricity! However the new hearing aids were heavy boxes worn around the neck that didn't really lend themselves to daily life.
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    Honey I Shrunk Your Hearing Aid

    Transitor hearing aids became popular due to the smaller size. These new hearing aids could be worn around the back of the ear, inside the ear canal, and or in an ear shell.
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    Hearing Aids today!

    Today's hearing aids are much smaller and are made with digital technology that allows for certain situational hearing aid changes. These could be things like small talk in a quiet cafe or loud cheering over a football game. Hearing aids have been adapted to be small and light and fit naturally into your ear.