history of fish

By hdudley
  • 545 BCE


    was the time when all fish didn't have vert brays yet so they were like jelly fish and arthropods
  • 485 BCE


    this is when fish started to get vertebrates where adaptations like jaws start to be used
  • 443 BCE


    spinney sharks and ray fined fish and armored fish started to appear
  • 419 BCE

    early Devonian

    also known as the age of fishes due to the groups of fish that evolve
  • 393 BCE

    middle Devonian

    this is where are sharks that look more like ares today came from
    same rays
  • 383 BCE

    Late Devonian

    this around the time tyrannosaurus rex and dinosaurs ad the crocodile where alive fish had sharp teeth armor and grew to big sizes also when some fish turned to tetrapods
  • 359 BCE


    after the large mass extinction many fish and land life died so fish started to evolve to take the place of the fish that died off
  • 252 BCE


    you could tell that alot of the fish that surived where some what in the same family and where laying down the foundation for the fish we have now
  • 201 BCE


    nothing to much has changed alot of the same fish
  • 145 BCE


    this is where you see sharks like today but alot bigger and sturgon and many fish that merrior are fish today
  • current

    fish are fish