History of Film

  • First Successful Photogarphs of Motion

    Eadweard Muybridge,a british photogarpher, successfully photogarphed motion. These photographs showed how people and animals moved. This was oe of the first landmarks in film
  • Kinetoscope invinted

    Thomas Edison invinted the first kinetoscope. This put the pictures of motion into one long fast moving picture. Made for only 1 person at a time to try to make more money.
  • Projector invinted

    Two French Brothers,Louis and August Lumiere, invented the projector for public use. Edison had already invinted it but wanted to make more money by having it only avadable for 1 person at a time. This was the first time that a motion picture could be viewd by more than 1 person.
  • The Great Train Robbery

    Edwin Porter created the great train robbery. This was the first film to have a real storyline and plot to it. New camera positions were discorverd aand it was the first motion picture to be 10- 15 minutes long.
  • 1st nickelodeon in Pittsburgh.

    Henry Davis opend it in Pittsburgh. These were films mixed with 1 or 2 groups of performers. These helped make film more popular.
  • Nickelodeon Theatres Grow

    Many people by this time were going to see these motion pictures. During ths time over 26 million people each week were going the see the films. Edison thinks he can make a monopoly from this.
  • Edison forms MPPC

    Thomas Edison monoplizes the film industry. By froming The MPPC they were the only company that allowed you to make movies.They eoud destory any independent film makers.
  • Credits added to film

    The MPPC didnt want to add credits to film. They didnt want their actors/actresses to become superstars and ask for more money. The independent Film makers in California put the credits on to make more money and it worked,
  • Sound i s added to film

    Lee DeForrest shows ho w to put sound on the film. this is important because movies were evolving. Without sound movies wouldn't be the same way they are today.
  • Walt Disney's first full length film

    Walt disney released it first full length film. Snow white ad the 7 dwarfs. This marks the fise in power for Disney