History of Film

  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery
    Thomas Edison and his company made one of the first story films. After this movie was made film companies started to make more films based on story and not just short skits. This was also the first western film.
  • Giving Credit

    Giving Credit
    Films started giving credit to actors and participates. This made so that actors got more successful and were recognized. Movies now all have credits based on this
  • The First Talkie

    The First Talkie
    The first movie with sound and voice was produced. "The Jazz Singer" created a wave where people started going to "Talkies" more often and stopped watching films without sound. Actors that were in movies without sound either moved over too talkies or found themselves without a job.
  • The Golden Age of Hollywood

    The Golden Age of Hollywood
    Film critics all around name this decade the apex of films. With the greatest musicals and gangster films America loved it. Some critics even think this carried over to the 50s.
  • Hollywood Decline

    Hollywood Decline
    During the war not to many people went to see films. The people thought some of Hollywoods involved communism which was a tough subject during the World War. But after the war films were in ideal position.
  • Big Screen

    Big Screen
    In the 1950s television was introduced so film and movies needed to up it's game. This is why big screens or wide screens were created. They made movies more exciting and big.
  • Ratings

    More films are coming out, there is a bigger audience. Movies needed a way to make sure the audience sees the film they want. They added ratings to do so.
  • Steady Cam

    Steady Cam
    The steady cam helped films have better shots. First introduced in the film "Rocky" steady cams made it easier for camera men to record steady shots. It can move an irregular surface and still be steady because it's attached to the opertator.
  • MTV

    MTV was launched. This made films on television easier to watch and made music videos for artists. MTV influenced more musical type films.
  • Jurassic CGI

    Jurassic CGI
    Critics say Jurassic Park is one of the first films to have CGI that looks real. Spielberg has made many iconic movies in the 90s using this CGI. This was the decade of CGI.
  • Re-Do

    Movie creators knew they wouldn't make big profit off of new ideas. Film creators figured out it would be cheaper to remake old films instead of creating new ones. The main remakes were old horror movies.
  • Superhero Decade

    Superhero Decade
    With Marvel and Disney being one of the top film makers people watch their films. Marvel has had a Superhero release for every year of the decade and most of them make a huge profit. There is more coming in the future as well