
History of Education

  • Period: to

    Changing Points in Education

  • Voting Rights for All White Men

    Voting Rights for All White Men
    After all white men had the right to vote they started fighting for education of all children. By 1850 poor and working class children were able to go to school under free taxpayer supported schools. Since then all families are able to allow their children the right to go to school.
  • Bureaucratic and Affectionate Discipline

    Bureaucratic and Affectionate Discipline
    Physical punishment was no longer accepted. Two new forms of discipline paved the way for the modern incentive based discipline. This way children are no longer harmed and they are able to create a desire to learn from an internal source and not out of fear.
  • Child Study Movement

    Child Study Movement
    Once the switch from subject centered to student centered was made children were able to get the best education they could. They were now getting a more effective education because now educators knew children's developmental stages and different learning styles. The whole child is now molded and taught instead of just academically.
  • Cardinal Principles Report

    Cardinal Principles Report
    Students can select certain classes, once they have finished or are taking the required core classes, that meet certain desires for future study. Students in this day in age can now select courses that might help them decide their future career in life and better prepare them for college life and the life thereafter.
  • Brown Vs Board of Education

    Everyone of all races and ethnicities are now allowed to attend teh same school. There is no longer segregation within the school systems and everyone is allowed the same educational opportunity. No one race is better academically than the other. Everyone has the same rights when it comes to education and where they can have their education.