History of Education

  • Town Schools and Finance Laws

    Town Schools and Finance Laws
    The laws from 1642 and 1647 were important to have to start the groundbreaking for foundation. They may not have worked out like they planned but that helped pave the way for future education. These laws were to help the children who were deprived of learning to read and write and teachers would go in and help those children.
  • Public Law - Special Education

    Public Law - Special Education
    In the 1970s Congress became in favor of special needs students attending public schools to get equal learning. It is important to treat all children the same and give them equal opportunity but to also provide special needs students with a special education teacher who is well trained and will help them along their education journey.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    This changed the way the teachers and students were learning and teaching. The schools were needing to pass the states standards and performing at the grade level in academics. It is holding the schools accountable for the learning of their students and those who are underserved.
  • Child Study Movement

    Child Study Movement
    It is important to know how our young children's minds develop and how can this help teachers teach our children in the best way. Stanley Hall was the pioneer for the study of child development. 1800s - 1900s
  • Virtual Learning

    Virtual Learning
    This is changing the way that we are learning. Teachers are teaching over the internet and providing more opportunities for students to take courses that are not offered at their school. It is also providing the students with the opportunity to take classes that they have either missed or failed.