History of Education

  • Latin Grammar Schools

    Latin Grammar Schools
    Schools that put an emphasis on learning Latin. A lot of them were for college preparation.
  • Dame Schools

    Dame Schools
    Dame schools were for young children in England. Most were run by women.
  • Massachusets Act of 1642

    Massachusets Act of 1642
    This is when Massachusetts really cracked down on people learning the English language. Everyone had to learn to read and write.
  • Massachusetts Act of 1647

    Massachusetts Act of 1647
    This is when Massachusetts made a lot of new schools. A school would get one block for whatever use it had.
  • Benjamin Franklin's Academy

    Benjamin Franklin's Academy
    Benjamins Franklins Academy.
  • Horace Mann and Normal Schools

    Horace Mann and Normal Schools
    Normal schools were schools for teachers. You went there if you wanted to learn to teach.
  • McGuffey Readers

    McGuffey Readers
    Graded Primers for Grades 1-6. They were like textbooks.
  • Freedman's Bureau

    Freedman's Bureau
    A Bureau to help transition the slaves to being free, education was involved in this.
  • Carlisle Island Indian Institutions

    Carlisle Island Indian Institutions
    This was the first Indian boarding school in the U.S. Natives would go to be "civilized".
  • John Dewey's Laboratory School

    John Dewey's Laboratory School
    John Dewey had a new vision for education and learning in America and this was one of the steps to get there.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    This was a court case that totally ended segregated schools.
  • Sputnik

    This was the first satellite and influenced stress on algebra and science more.
  • Title 1

    Title 1
    A service to help kids get to where they need to be in school and catch up.
  • Head Start

    Head Start
    A program to get students ready for real school.
  • Individuals with Disabilities

    Individuals with Disabilities
    A program to help disabled kids and cater to their needs. It was a big step in learning support kids that need help.
  • Goals 2000

    Goals 2000
    An initiative to improve schools across America. This was one of several strides for better education
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    Split elementary and secondary again.
  • Race to the Top

    Race to the Top
    Another attempt to improve the school system.