History of Education

  • Massachusetts 1647

    The Massachusetts Act of 1647 for is where school essentially FIRST started. It was a law that mandated families (over 50 homes) to hire a teacher to teach reading and writing. In conjuction to that families of 100 homes were requred to have grammar school. This would help students prepare for college. This, to me, is where the education of education and schools started.
  • Period: to

    Education throughout time

  • Thomas Jefferson's Impact

    Thomas Jefferson had a lot of insight on the education of America. He knew that for anyone to be successful there needed to be fundamentals taught. By obtaining the basics fundamentals you will be able judge for yourself and vote and "understand your duties and rights"
  • Noah Webster (IMPORTANT)

    Noah Webster (IMPORTANT)
    Webster was a very important man in the role of education. His Blue Back Speller because a sensation is the late 1700's. This taught several people to read and write. His books were primarily based on 3 principles which are the things that we also teach our children/students. They are 1) dividing words into syllables 2)pronouncing words properly 3) spelling correctly. Those things that Webster had made princlipes are the fundamentals for the beginning years of schooling for youth. https://www.no
  • Committee of 10

    In the late 1800's the committee of 10 developed the reccomended length of schooling. They also established a basic curriculum. The goal of the committee of 10 was to prepare students for life.
  • Catharine Beecher (IMPORTANT)

    Catharine Beecher (IMPORTANT)
    During her time schooling was very limited to males. She recognized the need for teachers and their ablitlity to help aid the development in children. Not only the need for teachers but that females had several qualities making them the preferred sex for teachers. She founded Hartford Female Seminary which helped prepare for teaching. This impacts educators today because females are more common than male teachers http://www.pbs.org/onlyateacher/beecher.html
  • Common School

    This movement stated that schools all over should have a Common Body of Knowlege and that it should be free of charge. Led by Horrace Mann who is known as the Father of American Education. He also later became the first Secretary of Education. Horrace Mann also believed that how you were born into the world should not pre determine your fate as an American. Education is a right for all of the children.
  • Progressive Reform Movement

    This was a movement in the 1900's. Millions of immigrants were traveling to America to live the "American Dream" to get an education. At this time however, schools were not an ideal place to be. Several students would rather be working in a factory than go to school. This is what led to the change of education.
  • Gary Plan (IMPORTANT)

    Gary Plan (IMPORTANT)
    William Wirt formed the idea the Gary Plan. This plan started in Gary, Indiana. The purpose was to create schools to constantly be moving. By doing so this would increase the the effienciency of schools. Williams moto behing this was "make every working man a scholar, and every scholar a working man". Schools would teach more than just reading and writing but teach skills to succeed in life. Students were running schools. http://www.britannica.com/topic/Gary-Plan
  • Brown vs. Board of Education (IMPORTANT)

    Brown vs. Board of Education (IMPORTANT)
    his Supreme Court ruling got rid of segregation in the classroom. Prior to this case schools were segregated and the tools that the schools were using were behing from what the white school were using. This created equality in learning for all races. This is something we might see in our future classrooms for ELL to help them succeed just like your other students http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/landmark_brown.html
  • National Defense Education Act

    This act provided funding to ALL institutions at all levels. After the lauch of Sputnik by the Soviet the US questioned their academic standings. America wanted to bring out public schools to the same speed that the Soviet was at. This was a huge role in education in America and continues still to be. A lot of the current acts are based on catching up to the Soviet.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    This was the most expensive education bill to be passed. This act gave funding to low income students. This was passed by Lydon Johnson because he believed "full educational oppurtunity should be our first goal". This was to close the cap on core subjects with minorites and low income students in the classroom

    Individulas with Disabilities Education Act provided a free education to those with disablities. Before this, disabled students were either in an institution or not going to school. This increased the numbers drastically. This act provides them with the same benefits anyone else would have and give them the proper tools needed for success which we still follow today
  • A Nation at Risk

    Ronald Regan said that we were a 'nation at risk' he took a look at the public school system. Regan concluded that America's schools were getting worse. Action needed to be taken and there was an emphasis on standards in the classroom
  • The Common Core

    The Common Core was created to set a clear guideline of what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade level. This also helps create consistency with material being taught in classrooms for families that are constantly moving. They won't move somewhere and be really far behind or ahead.
  • Infant Schools

    Infant schools provided education for really little ones. Generally infant schools were taught by females. The students ranged in age from 4-7. In our school system now we see that currently with pre-school and kindergarten.