History of Education

  • First Public Schools

    In 1647 it was decided by the General Court of Massachusettes that every town with at least 50 families should have an elementary school & every town with 100+ families should have at least one latin school.
  • Second Morrill Act

    This Act required all states to prove that race was not a criterion taken into consideration for admissions into colleges. If so, they would need a seperate land-grant institution for people of color.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    On June 7th, 1892 Homer Adolph Plessy bought a ticket from New Orleans & decided to take a seat in a "whites only" car. Plessy was convicted of violating the Seperate Car Act of 1890.In 1896 the Plessy v Ferguson court case begun; that is where the famous "Seperate but Eqaul" phrase took place giving constitutional justification for segregation. African Americans were impacted because according to the court the 14th amendement rights only applied to politcal & civil rights not social rights.
  • 1918 Compulsory Attendance

    No child under age of 15 could be working without having attendanded school for at least three out twelve months. By 1918 all states had passed a compulsory attendance law.
  • Beginning of Standardized Testing

    In the year 1932 a survey of 150 school districts reveals that 3/4th's of schools were beginning to use the so-called intelligence testing to place students in different academic tracks that soon developed into what now we know as Standardized Testing.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    In 1951 Oliver Brown filed a class-action suit on the Board of Education of Topeka claiming that schools for colored kids were not the same as all white schools. In 1954 Warren wrote that the doctrine "seperate but equal" did not have place in the field of public education. U.S District of Kansas agreed public school segregation had a determinal effect upon colored children and their education. This had an impact on African Americans giving them a better chance at obtaining a better education.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Nine African American students were on their way to start their class on September 4th in 1957 when Groverner Orval Faubus called Arkansas National Guard to stop them from entering the all white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.President Eisenhower then sent federal troops to escort the 9 students into the school. These 9 students were the first colored students to attend & integrate in the all white school Central High.The group later became famous and known as the Little Rock Nine.
  • Title IX

    Title IX protects anyone regardless of their sex from being discriminated agasint in any education program or activity recieving Federal Financial assitance. OCR takes an important role evaluating, investigating and solving any complaint alleging sex discrimination in any way. Title IX has been protecting both men & women in many federal financed institutions like schools and work places. This has mainly been helping athletes from being harassed.
  • Milliken v. Bradley

    Michigan public schools being racially segregated resulted in filing a court suit against Governer Milliken. After suit being reviewed it was decided in adopting a desegregation plan that included 85 school districts.This case then was decided together with Allen Park Public Schools v. Bradley and Grosse Pointe Public School System v. Bradley. Due to this the court emphasized the importamce of control in the operation of schools.
  • Education for all Handicapped Children Act

    Education for all Handicapped Children Act
    This Act was to help children with physical disabilities and their parents. Due to this Act parents were allowed to dispute decisions being made about their childrens education and if necessary they can take it directly to the judiciary under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This Act also required schools who received federal funds to provide eqaul access to kids with disablilties & only if instructional goals cannot be met in regular classroom seperate schooling would be available.
  • Plyler v Doe

    This court case effected immigrant children due to the fact that they were being denied education in Texas. Texas legislation laws violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. The Supreme court decided that denying them the right to an education put them at a great disadvantage so the law was struck down allowing immigrants the right to an education. This is only applied to grades K-12th, illegal residents in college are still being denied aid to further their education until now.
  • Proposition 187

    Proposition 187
    Ballot taking away immigrants rights to public education in the state of California