History of Education

By kmb79
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    John Comenius

    Responsible for writing the first picture book.
    Said that education should come through the senses.
    Thought early experiences formed what a child would be like.
    Believed that sensory experiences support learning
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    John Locke

    Said children are born as blank slates and that experience can help to determine who they become. He said that all knowledge came from experience. "Thus the first capacity of human intellect is that the mind is fitted to receive the impressions made on it; either through the senses by outward objects; or by its own operations when it reflects on them. This is the first step a man makes towards the discovery of anything..."
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    "If children understood how to reason they would not need to be educated."
    He focused more on the development of a child's moralities and character.
    First to promote education based on a child's development.
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    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

    His motto was "learning by head, hand, and heart.
    Children should learn through activity instead of words. They should also be able to come to their own conclusions by pursing what interests them.
    He was a big proponent of "personality is sacred".
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    Friedrich Froebel

    Founder of Children's Garden, kindergarten, which was to be an extension of family life for ages 3-6.
    Thought that hands on education was the best way to teach a child.
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    John Dewey

    Believed that students thrived in a place where they could experiment with-in the curriculum.
    School is not just for "content learning", but also for social development.
    Famous for "Hand on Learning and Experiential Education," which was problem solving and developing critical thinking skills.
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    Maria Montessori

    Founded the first Montessori school which believed that Children learn and develop at their own speed through play. The school was a "child-oriented" place where they could explore and learn without being afraid.
    Believed that children should enjoy learning and will be more apt to remember the information versus straight memorazation.
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    Abraham Maslow

    Thought that the ability to reach one's potential is innate could be done by taking care of one's basic needs.
    Responsible for forming the "Hierarcy of Needs," saying that the most important basic needs must be fulfilled before one can move onto the next level of needs.
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    Urie Bronfenbrenner

    He was the co-founder of Headstart in 1964. Formulated the Ecological Systems Theory that shows the interactions of a person with five systems. He believed that a child's environment determined their development.
  • No Child Left Behind

    This was a federal aid program to assist the "disadvantaged" children. It required the states to come up with their own standardized assesments to receive funding. In doing so, this increased the accountability on teachers.