History of Democracy

  • Athenian Democracy 700-350 BCE

    Athenian Democracy 700-350 BCE
    Ancient Greeks had the first Democracy
    507 BCE Athenian leader Cleisthens introduced a system of
    political reforms he called “demokratia” or RULE BY
    The System had three Branches:
    Ekklesia: a sovereign body who wrote laws and dictated foreign policy
    Boule: council of representatives from all ten of the
    Athenian tribes
    Dikasteria: the popular courts where citizens argued cases
    before a group of lottery selected jurors
  • Rome 509 BCE

    Rome 509 BCE
    Rome was declared a republic after the people
    rebelled against the king and he was exiled.
    Rome was never a democracy as we know it today
    or even the ancient Greeks new it
    In the early days all the power belonged to the upper class who ruled over the common people (the Plebs)
    Plebes rebelled and won more rights including
    there being a “written law”
    Plebes helped create a new democratic institution.
  • Magna Carta 1215

    Magna Carta 1215
    King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta.
    Magna Carta outlined a number of provisions
    where the power of the monarchy would be
    restricted and the rights of the citizens
    The King Could not:
    *Steal firewood from other lands
    *Force widow to re-marry
    *Force knights to pay money to excuse them from
    guarding the castle
    *Confiscate horses and/or carts
    *Force villagers to build bridges over rivers.
  • Parliament 1215-1600's

    Parliament 1215-1600's
    Comes from the word Parler (to speak)
    British Parliament evolved slowly between
    1215 when the magna carta was signed and
    the early 1600s
    A lot of the systems developed are still in use today.
  • American Revolution 1775-1781

    American Revolution 1775-1781
    The American Revolution created the first true democracy Americans could vote and the
    powers of the government were
    restricted so that every branch had equal power.
  • French Revolution 1789

    French Revolution 1789
    Rooted in the spirit of Democracy, the people of France overthrew King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette who were promptly beheaded.
    However, in the end those who
    championed liberty ended up seeing themselves get corrupted and become the new villains and the new
    Leaders used the guillotine to eliminate all
    Power fell to the military dictator Napoleon who tried to use his new power to conquer Europe.
  • Communism 1848-1917

    Communism 1848-1917
    The Beginning
    1848 Karl Marx wrote the Communist
    Manifesto outlining Communism
    The Next Step:
    1917 Vladamir Lenin was able to over
    throw the Russian Tzar.
    Although Lenin followed Marx’s teaching’s he adapts it to suit his own purposes
    The Results
    Through purges and starvation, the KGB and the Gulag, Stalin kills between 20-30 million Russians.
    Stalin plummets the world into the Cold War which lasted until the early
  • Fascism January 30, 1933

    Fascism January 30, 1933
    The Beginning
    After WWI, Benito Mussolini formed a
    fascist government in Italy He used brute force and his newly formed Black Shirts to strike fear into the hearts of the people.
    In the 1920s a young ex army corporal and former homeless Austrian named Adolf Hitler rallyed the people.
    He spewed racial hatred against the Jews and Communists and promised to reverse the effects of the Treaty of Versaillesa and Germany gave him total power.
    With total power Hitler waged WWII.
  • Militarism 1930s

    Militarism 1930s
    After a short period of democracy, Japan
    moved into a nationalistic direction in the
    1930s. Frustrated by what they felt was unfair
    treatment by the West, Japan became a military state and very aggressive.
    Emperor Hirohito of Japan led his country (and army) to war
    and Tried to dominate the Pacific during WWII which lead to some very tragic consequences like the infamous "rape of nankang".
  • Modern Democracies 1867-Present

    Modern Democracies 1867-Present
    Democracy continued to evolve as more and more
    groups fought for equality
    Slavery was abolished in Russia in 1867 and the USA
    in 1865
    Women got the federal vote in Canada in 1918
    The first ½ of the 20th century saw the worst
    depravation and human rights abuses in human
    Many of the political laws used today started to be made and enacted into government.
  • United Nations 1948-Present

    United Nations 1948-Present
    The tragedies witnessed during WWII made the
    world realize that if Human Rights were not
    protected these atrocities would only continue.
    During 1948 the United Nations created the declaration of
    Human Rights
    UN pledged that human beings have a right to
    live and work without abuse from governments.
    Many Global issues are sorted and discussed by the UN