History of Animal Testing

By KDylan
  • 300 BCE

    Early animal testing

    Writings of civilizations indicate animal testing, to test medical procedures.
  • Dec 7, 1242

    Animals for medical advancement

    like the last one but they used them to study how the human body works as well.
  • Robert Boyle's experiments

    He used animals to prove his theory that living beings needed air to live.
  • Opposition to animal testing arises

    people start to oppose animal testing and don't want it happening. Britain passed the cruelty to animals act.
  • Findings for diabetics

    Frederick Banting used dogs, and later cows, to experiment with the pancreas and insulin to develop a treatment for diabetes.
  • Guinea pig testing

    Using guinea pigs, Corwin Hinshaw found that antibodies found in the soil could help cure tuberculosis
  • Polio

    Jonas Salk's experiments and the development of the polio vaccine, polio dropped dramatically
  • Heart surgeries in dogs

    Doctors and scientists used dogs to attempt the replacing of a heart valve.
  • Depression treatments

    The treatments found that the animals were much calmer while taking the salts, and by 1970 the treatments revolutionized the way people with depression lived.
  • People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

    PETA, they are the largest animal advocacy group in the world. While animals may be needed for certain medical and scientific advancements, PETA works to protect animals to the best of their abilities.