Public Schools
taught: reading , writing , and basic mamatheics to prepare students for jobs -
Ben Franklin
wrote " Realating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania" -
secondary students learn practical cirriculm( drawing , surveying , navigation, merchants and accounting) to learn to become tradesmen and workers -
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Sarah Pierce
Started Litchfield Woman's Academy -
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Thomas Jefferson
2 term President of the United States of America -
Fredrich Froebel
Established the Universal German Education -
Free Public High School
taught basic skills and history , geography and physical training -
Catherina Beecher
Opened the Hartford Female Seminary -
Horce Mann
Established 50 high schools -
Rev. William Holmes McGuffey
Professor of Ancient Languages at Miami University -
Rev. William Holmes McGuffey
Elected President of Cincinatti College -
Free Public Schooling
includes High Schools that place strong emphasis on vocational education and reading , writing and mathematics -
William E. Dubois
Started his Teaching Job at Wilberforce University -
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Booker T Washington
Influential spokeesman for black americans -
Mary McLeod Bethue
Began her Teaching career2 Haines Normal and Industrial Institiute -
John Dewey
The School and Society -
John Dewey
The Child and The Ciirriculm -
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Jane Addams
President of Womans International League for Peace and Freedom -
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John Holt
Served in the Army -
Linda Brown
helped make the cirriculm for all children the same -
The Excellence Movement
the launch of Sputnik sparks emphasis on science, mathematics and languages -
The Excellent Movement
back to bcis - reading writing mathematics -
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John Holt
Founded Holt Assosicates and dealt with education and other social issues -
William Bennett
Excutive director of the National Humanities Center -
Nation At Risk
five new basics ; english , mamthematics, science, social studies , and computer science -
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton signs into law Goals 2000; Educate America Act -
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton launches the President's Educational Technology Intitative -
President George W. Bush
signed " No Child Left Behind" Act -
Teacher Accountability
by 2013-14, public schools must guarantee that all students can pass state test -
Religious Emphasis
basic skills needed to learn religous catechisms and read prayers